By Lisa Grace
One of the arguments atheists throw at everything is: time; even though through scientific observation systems always (after an initial growth phase) fall into entropy—so throwing “time” at anything in an observational mode—makes things fall apart—not get "better."
If you have a kindergartener look at a car, they will through observation, have enough common sense to know the car didn't just magically come together, it had a designer, factories, and intelligent thought behind it.
What's amazing to me, is the scientists who having observed how complicated a single celled amoeba is, how some are so complex, they contain more DNA than a human, and can adapt to their environment (and no adaptation within a "kind" is not "evolution," and theses same scientist will admit it when confronted that it is not) how they can possibly think through their blind faith that entropic time would "magically" come up with complex factories (the proteins that bind and create the parts) without a design, or plan.
How complex is a single celled amoeba? Much more so than a car.In this article (please ignore all the made up time line stuff of which they have no proof and in fact, scenarios of provable scientifically measurable phenomena [like the speed of the earth’s rotation, and the force of gravity] prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that earth could not be possibly anywhere near that old, but hey let's ignore the measurable science that does prove we are on a young earth, because if we don’t, there is no way the faith of evolution will work)
After ignoring the unprovable ridiculous timeline stuff which doesn’t fit into provable observable science, and the unprovable primordial “soup” theory, we do come across some interesting “provable” observations mentioned in the article:
Naegleria is a common soil amoeba – the sequenced organism was isolated from the mud in a grove of eucalyptus trees on the UC Berkeley campus – that, under stress, quickly grows two flagella, like sperm tails, that it uses to swim around. It has a third identity, a hard cyst, that can persist in the soil until conditions become damp and warm enough for it to turn into an amoeba.
“This one-celled organism hunts and eats bacteria as an amoeba, swims around looking for a better environment as a flagellate, and then hunkers down and waits for good times as a cyst,” Prochnik said. “It is a very rare process to go from amoeba to flagellate like this.”
Not surprisingly, the organism is packed with genes that help support these three personalities, he said. He and his colleagues report that this amoeboflagellate contains 15,727 genes coding for proteins, while humans have 23,000 protein-coding genes.
Now if this single celled amoeba is so complex that it contains factories complex enough to adapt the organism to its environment, that would be the equivalent of a “car” being complex enough to create its own oil, antifreeze, and put its own snow tires on when faced with winter.
Just the fact that this can happen on a such a small scale is amazing. Many scientist equate “microscopic” with the term “simple” even when provided with the proof that nothing could be further from the truth.
No one would suggest that computer code magically falls into place to write programs. Programs have a designer. DNA is nothing more than an organic computer code, based on four proteins. Then we have ribonucleic acid, (RNA).
Humans have evolved to the point where we’ve created 8 bit computer codes based on the simple processing of “light on, light off.”
To suggest that self building organic machines just “happened” with “time” and “inert gases” thrown in, that somehow came together (everyone knows and it’s scientifically provable that gases disperse [especially in a vacuum] when left to their own devices. Go ahead, pop a helium balloon if you don‘t believe me.)
Anyway, is it really that hard to understand that there are beings made of light, and/or that live within plasma, the most abundant form of matter in the universe? The speed of light is the closest we can get to understanding the concept of living “outside of time.”
As beings trapped within the laws that govern our universe, how amazing will it be when we can break free from those constraints?
God exists outside time. He “created” time for the universe we live in now. He does promise, that for those who accept Him as Creator and Savior, that we will be able to join Him someday, in a world no longer contained within time. A “new” heaven and “new earth.”
For those of us trapped inside time, the concept of living outside of it is a real mind bender, but that is exactly, what God promises in the Holy Scriptures. Forever and ever. A day is as a thousand years. Simple language for a concept too large from a God more amazing than anything we can imagine.
Provable science actually confirms what the Scriptures have said all along. There is no need for believers to avoid science. But there is a need for believers to get scientists to stop throwing “time” around as a way to make evolution work, when it’s been proven time leads inevitably to only one end, entropy.
Lisa Grace is the author of the Angel Series books currently in movie development.
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