By Reverend Mark Hunnemann
Read also: Residual Haunts and Energy
One reader told me that they thought I made a plausible case, BUT are there other forms of unknown energy which may account for the residual phenomenon? That is an excellent question, and I think by attempting to answer it we may further enrich our understanding of this topic. Let me remind you that the category known as "residual haunt" is thought to be the most common cause of paranormal activity.If for only that reason, it is important that we analyze it and try to get at the truth. More than usual, this newsletter builds on the foundation laid in the last one.
One other preliminary comment--please note that the ultimate court of appeal for truth is God's special revelation...His personal Word to us in the Bible. Science (part of what is called general revelation), when properly understood, will always concur with scripture, but it must not be seen as an autonomous activity. God's inerrant, written revelation to us has primacy of must not be seen as an equal in terms of authority. It would be an act of impiety to pursue scientific truth as if it were more "true" than the bible. When the bible speaks, God speaks with full authority over our lives, but general revelation cannot claim implicit obedience because the "assured results of science" often turn out to be not so sure! We must presuppose God and His word first, or all of reality, including science, will be incoherent.
Let me review some basic physical science first. There are two types of energy--kinetic and potential. It seems that scientists really do not know how to describe what energy IS...all they can do is give a functional definition (the ability to do work) or a mathematical equation--E=mc2, but a truly ontological definition remains elusive. That does not bother me because in God's world we should expect mysteries. However, in addition to the two types of energy (kinetic/potential) there are six forms which energy takes--chemical energy, electrical energy, radiant energy (light), mechanical energy, nuclear energy, and thermal energy..
The question put to me was: is it possible that there is some form of unknown energy that can explain residual paranormal activity? First, if it is an unknown form of energy, then how are we to talk of it? The burden of proof lies on those who would entertain the notion that the paranormal realm has forms of energy unknown to us. Let me explain... What is true in the natural realm can and should be extrapolated into the supernatural realm . The paranormal/invisible realm here on Earth is part of the same space/time continuum that the normal or visible realm is.part of--and is subject to all the laws of God which He has interwoven into space/time. It seems apparent to me that there is simply a dimensional veil separating the two, and they don't exist or function like two distinct water-tight compartments....they "bleed " into each other and occupy the same space. Put another way, the same six forms of energy found in the visible realm on Earth, exist and function in the invisible realm on Earth. How do I know this? Because it is still the Earth (albeit invisible) and because energy itself is usually invisible...its effects are what is visible. Our eternal home will be here--right here... a renewed Earth which is perfect. We cannot escape time and its flow, even in eternity...the 'ravages" of time will be done away with.
Here are the six known forms of energy again--chemical, electrical, radiant, mechanical, nuclear, and thermal energies.I won't take the time to examine each one, but take a moment to picture in your mind each of these six forms of energy in action. The form that is most germane to our discussion is electrical because the body and brain do have electrical energy. In fact, it has become common to determine death by means of cessation of electrical activity in the brain, instead of the old way of heartbeat (which has electrical activity as well...I know this because I have a pace/defib in my chest!) There are other forms of energy active but electrical is primary I think.
Let me shift gears and state that none of the six known forms of energy can do what residual haunt (r h) requires. An r h is said to have energy that remains clustered in the environment for years.Also, this clustered potential energy summons itself to begin a sound and light show that may include--multiple moving apparitions, sounds, smells and so on.It is important to note that we have no precedent for this kind of activity in the natural realm (please read that again). Try to grasp how involved this process would have to be--impersonal electrical energy (similar to what is flowing to the light in my room) would be expelled from human body and remain virtually unchanged for decades or longer.(any notion of the environment reacting and stirring up energy due to one's violent death seems implausible to me) Then this potential electrical energy is able to recognize certain cues which causes this energy to manifest and loop.
As I stated last time, some material conducts energy better than others but (and this is key) nobody has ever observed any of these six forms of energy putting on a visual, auditory, or olfactory demonstration similar to what is claimed in the residual haunt phenomenon.(we could spend an entire article merely on how extravagant this display of intelligent non-intelligent energy becomes) Even nuclear energy, which stores energy for a long time in radioactive isotopes,has never been observed doing what we have come to know as residual activity...looping. The burden of proof is on those who believe in these anomalous events to prove that there is a form of energy in the paranormal realm which has no know counterpart in the natural realm.
The only energy that I'm aware of that is released into the environment when one dies is the small amount of electrical activity in brain and heart. Electrical energy is electrical energy is electrical energy! For heavens sake, if a billion volts from an average lightning strike dissipates immediately after impact, then the minuscule voltage in a human body (1.5 volts?) is not going to "hang around.". It is outta here! (because it is not the soul...we need special revelation for that knowledge)
In summary, none of the six forms of known energy have ever been observed functioning like an r h. We can posit all sorts of ideas but Ockhams Razor would heavily favor a model of reality that is symmetrical--six forms of energy on both sides of thin, permeable veil. An unknown paranormal form of energy would make reality asymmetrical. At this point, it is clear to me that positing an unknown form of energy would be an act of special pleading.
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