Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Issue 110 – “Ghost Inside My Child” The Web of Deceptions [Part 4]

By Kirby Robinson

Continued from

Radio Appearance

Next week I’m scheduled for a radio show where I’ll discuss demonology.
Wednesday, April 10th at 9 PM [EST]
Twilight Paranormal Radio Show

The Leininger Case Conclusion

Where is the proof that any of the events ever took place? We see no video proof the child acted this way. We have no audio proof that James ever said these things.

It’s easy to sit in front of the camera and report such stories. I guess the family and the producers expect us to blindly accept these statements.

One thing to note is that the majority of videos concerning the three kids featured in “Ghost Inside My Child” aren’t actually of the children, but are reenactments of the events.

James’s parents tout that the paintings prove his stories. James states, “When I draw these pictures I don’t know.” Of course, he wouldn’t as the resident artist in that household is Andrea. She’s the one who studied art. She guided her son in the drawing.

They come up with the idea that James is the name of the pilot that died. This is easy to remember, as it’s his current name. Also, James is a very common name for that era. When they locate a James that died, he didn’t fly the right plane. The family claims it was a Corsair, a very common plane for that era in the Pacific conflict. However, this James didn’t fly one. Such details don’t bother Andrea. She says “it doesn’t matter that is our son.”

They locate a living sister to the dead pilot, James Huston. The family talks to his now elderly sister, Anne Barron, on the phone. Later they all meet, claiming that James knows all these things about her and that is all the proof you need to buy the story.

What the viewer is never told is that they had many long talks on the phone with the sister. What information did she tell them that they could share with the son?

Andrea becomes tired of the case and decides it’s time to move on, close the book, and I guess start writing another one to further cash in on the story. There is one last deception to explain away towards the end of the narrative. They state that they decided to go to the place where James Huston was shot down and have a memorial service for him.

But the above is not the truth. They were hired to be on a Japanese TV show to discuss their case and this was all part in the TV program.

Lastly, they say James drew a new picture minus all the violence. We see the drawing and James is older but the style matches the early drawing exactly.

Maybe the moral of the story is that when you’re in tough financial straits and you want to start a business, make up a wild story, turn it into a book and exploit your child.

Oklahoma City Bombing -- the Reincarnate Can’t Get the Story Right

The next case features Beth from Tipp City, Ohio a single mom [a common feature just like it was on Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal]. Beth has three daughters. The youngest, Carson, begins talking about the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, when she is five-years of age. The girl gets the story wrong. She says that the driver of the truck was a nice man who did a bad thing by driving his truck into the Federal Building and it blew up.
The driver of the truck was Timothy McVeigh, who by all the reports we could uncover, was moody and withdrawn. He was at war with the “oppressive Federal Government” due to buying into the many conspiracy theories of the ‘90s. “Nice men” don’t blow up buildings. You can read more about him here:

Timothy McVeigh didn’t drive the truck into the building. He parked the truck in front of building and walked away. A timer set the bomb off.

Two questions we have to ask:

1 If Carson was inside the building, how did she know how the building blew up?

2 Is this not a sign the story is made up? This is a logical assumption that a person would drive a truck into a building and blow it up [often featured in books, TV, film]?

That is all the proof we are given to establish that this child is really a reincarnate, outside of one incident—Carson tells Beth she liked her Oklahoma mom better.

The pair journey to Oklahoma to see the site of the bombing. There aren’t any new details and when the mom said they both cried we see no tears from either of them.

Case 3 ~ “Mom, I’m Falling and My Brains Are on the Sidewalk!

A mom is convinced her child died during the terror attacks on 9/11. Can I get a book deal?

Molly and Rick from Land O’ Lakes, Florida, have an exceptional child by the name of Cade. Grandmother Fae claims that as a baby, he looked at people in an odd fashion. The boy was an early bloomer, walking and talking before the age of three. Cade claims he was killed falling from a high-rise. The family decides it has to be the Twin Towers. They claim airplanes scare Cade, yet he’s interested in them. We see a shot of one he got for Christmas. How does it scare him if he plays with them?

Additionally they claim tall buildings scare him and he doesn’t want to go in them.

Never are we shown the fits and the results of the nightmares he suffers.

Was he force-fed this information?

Over time, he comes up with more information. The family claims it proves he died in the 9/11 terror attacks. What that information is we are never told. Here are some interesting things to point out.

1 Cade claims that as he was falling he could hear things rattle inside him. From what we could uncover from accounts of people who survived long falls, there are no accounts of people hearing their insides rattle.

2 The boy claims that he died as he hit the pavement and could see his brains spread across the sidewalk. There a few issues about this.

A. You die from the shock of such a long fall prior to hitting the pavement.

B. In none of his accounts does he ever mention the hundreds of police, firefighters, EMT’s, and their cars, trucks, etc around the World Trade Center.

3 There is a shot of Cade walking across a bridge between two tall buildings. How could he have a fear of tall buildings and do this? He exhibits no signs of discomfort such as crying or shaking. We only see a young boy walking across the bridge.

The mother claims Cade said he wanted a new name. Yet she fails to reveal what it is.

Another fun fact: Molly goes to the message board run by guess who? Carol Bowman. She’s that past life regression therapist seen in the Leininger episode.

The story wraps up with claims that Cade is having trouble in school and many teachers have complained of his behavior. If you look at the notes, they are all written on the same type of paper and in the same style of writing.

In the end, you have one thing going on: EXPLOITATION.

~ By the parents

~ By the media

~ By people seeking fame

~ By the producers

Shame on them all. However, THE EYE ON THE PARANORMAL will be here each week to expose them.

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 9:43 AM


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