Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Issue 146 – Proof that the World is Going to Hell!

By Kirby Robinson

A deal with the devil leads to the torture and murder of a 15-year-old suburban Houston girl. Full story:

In the Philippines, children need to learn not to eat their mothers. Full story:

Christians have known that the Mormons teach false doctrines. Now the courts in Great Britain are catching up. "Thomas S. Monson, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been ordered to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London next month to defend the church’s doctrines including beliefs about Adam and Eve and Native Americans." Read more here:

They may not be killing witches in Salem, Massachusetts anymore…but they are in Queens, New York. Check out this story:

The Conjuring is a real nightmare and not just a paranormal one. Here's what the owner of the house, Norma Sutcliffe, has to say about people harassing her along with her opinion of the movie.


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Monday, February 10, 2014

Why The Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth As the Solution for China, Tibet and the World

By Robert Thurman

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is an extraordinary example of a life dedicated to peace, communication, and unity. What he represents, and what he has accomplished, heals and transcends the current tensions between Tibet and China.

Why the Dalai Lama Matters explores just why he has earned the world’s love and respect, and how restoring Tibet’s autonomy within China is not only possible, but highly reasonable, and absolutely necessary for all humans to have a peaceful future.

In the few decades since the illegal Chinese invasion of Tibet, Tibetans have seen their ecosystem destroyed, their religion, language, and culture repressed, and systematic oppression and violence against anyone who dares acknowledge Tibetan sovereignty. Yet, above it all, the Dalai Lama has been a consistent voice for peace, sharing a ‘Middle-Way’ approach that has gathered accolades from the Nobel Peace Prize to the Congressional Gold Medal. Modeling this peaceful resistance shows the world that nobody is free unless everybody is free—and that a solution exists that can benefit all parties, not just one. And more than just his nation has taken notice. His inter-religious dialogues, honest, humble demeanor, and sense of compassionate justice sets him apart in a world at war with itself.

Robert Thurman, renowned Tibetan scholar, president of Tibet House, and longtime personal friend of the Dalai Lama, presents a bold, reciprocal five-point plan for establishing Tibet’s genuine autonomy within China, letting China renew its image with the world by allowing the Dalai Lama to guarantee freedom for his people. When China changes policy and lets Tibetans be who they are, Tibet can, in turn, join with China in peaceful coexistence.

Why the Dalai Lama Matters is not merely a book about Tibet or the Dalai Lama. It is a revealing, provocative solution for a world in conflict, dealing with the very fundamentals of human rights and freedoms. By showing the work that the Dalai Lama has done on behalf of his people, Thurman illuminates a worldwide call-to-action, showing that power gained by might means nothing in the face of a determined act of truth.

Amazon hardcover book link: Why The Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth As the Solution for China, Tibet and the World

Kindle link: Why the Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth As the Solution for China, Tibet and the World

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse

Hello my para beauties! I trust you had a great day and are in good health. This is a subject I've been asked to explain to the best of my knowledge. The book of Revelations can be very intimidating. But we know who wins in the end.

The first Horseman is the rider of a white horse, carries a bow, and wears a crown. He is described as a conqueror. For this reason, he is sometimes interpreted as the Antichrist or as a false world leader. This Horseman is also sometimes called Pestilence.

The second Horseman is astride a red horse and carries a sword. He is associated with war and slaughter, and the Bible attributes to him the power to take away peace and to make men kill each other.

The third Horseman rides a black horse and carries scales. This Horseman, popularly called Famine, is thought to represent not only scarcity of food, but also the strict rationing or unfair allocation of goods and the exploitation of the poor.

The last of the Four Horsemen, Death, rides a "pale horse" of a sickly hue and is followed by Hades, or Hell.

The nature of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is hotly debated by theologians and Christians, but they are almost universally fascinating, regardless or perhaps because of their mystery. They were popular subjects for art during the medieval period and the Renaissance, and references to them continue to crop up in popular culture in our own day and age. Whether or not Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death are the correct interpretations of the Biblical Four Horsemen -- which will likely remain in debate for the foreseeable future -- it is safe to assume that that is what they represent in a cultural or literary context.

In many opinions The book of Revelation in the Bible is real and does not need one to read the hidden truths. When it says Jesus Christ is coming back again it means Jesus Christ is coming back again. When it says the Horsemen it means exactly that.

Since Christ is the One opening these seals and revealing what will happen in this world prior to His return, is there anywhere else in the Bible that He discloses these events? In fact, He did so shortly before His death in a section known as the Olivet Prophecy (given on the Mount of Olives), recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (chapter 24), Mark (chapter 13) and Luke (chapter 21) Seeing what Christ said in this prophecy helps us identify what each of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse represents.

In Matthew 24:3 Christ’s disciples asked, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” In the comparison chart below, notice how Christ’s answer lines up exactly with what He gave years later in the book of Revelation through the apostle John.

Notice the enormous effect of these first four seals (horsemen) in Revelation 6:8: “And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.” This indicates that the first four seals will ultimately result in a death toll of one-fourth the earth’s population. This summary statement also adds something else that will contribute to the death toll—beasts of the earth, which kill as carriers of pestilence and as ravenous predators.

The first four seals are clearly already open in our day now, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse have been riding through the years, taking their toll on populations. But many other prophecies in the Bible show that their destruction will multiply greatly as the next seal—the fifth seal or Great Tribulation—is about to open. Christ reveals that this world is about to undergo great devastation due to the rebellion of humanity against our Creator.

May God Help us All.

Written By Jennifer L. Auld

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Jews and Jerusalem...The End?

By Reverend Mark Hunnemann

"Lest you be wise in your own sight, I want you to understand this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved..." (Romans 11:25-26)

This is the second in a series on whether the End is near. Last week I gave my own "State of the Union" observations in Is This The End? It was the most difficult blog I ever wrote, and I ended up getting pretty sick...maybe the anxiety, I don't know. Anyway, I want to shift gears and discuss eschatology proper (study of end times). Specifically, as per the text above, I want to ask whether the predictions regarding the Jews and the End times have been fulfilled.

We have to be careful for what I call the "Red Sky Syndrome", which Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for. At night and in the morning they could look at the sky and give a fairly accurate prediction for that days weather. However, when it came to something infinitely more significant,  they missed all the prophetic signs which pointed to Him as their Jewish Messiah. Similarly, Jesus and the apostles gave us specific signs we should look for as indicators of His Second Coming. In agreement with the consensus of church history, I personally do not distinguish between the Rapture and the Second Coming. Why are we caught up in the air then?  As when ancients went out of the  the city gates of Rome to escort their victors home (back into the city) in celebration, I believe that God wants ALL of His children who will reign with Him to meet Him enroute to His final triumph. If you disagree (and most of you probably do), then that is cool. The Second Coming of Jesus is the visible return when all enemies will be vanquished!

Are we in the Last Days--yes and maybe. Since the First Coming of Jesus we have been in the Last Days, but if we mean the time right before the Second Coming, then I THINK we may be. Jesus and the apostles tell us to not miss the signs of His imminent return. Vigilance and diligence, is what we are called to. If we look at the list of sins that will be prevalent, then we can't help but note that they have been pervasive in every generation. So, my thinking is that there will be--due in part to advanced technology--an INTENSIFICATION of these sins, as we discussed last time.

It is noteworthy that the bloodiest century from a military perspective was the twentieth century And unprecedented natural disasters have occurred..I mentioned last week that abortion on demand is the most wicked and depraved activity ever practiced in the history of humanity.That most Christians have a dismissive attitude toward this monstrous evil is another factor that I think is significant. A blinding or moral paralysis seems to have descended upon us...a spirit of deception.

The sign I want to focus on is the prediction of a revival amongst the Jews prior to Jesus' return. In the text above in Romans 11:,25-26.This text has been hotly contested regarding it's interpretation, but I think the meaning is patently clear. Paul does distinguish between Gentiles and ethnic Israel/Jews. The glory of the "mystery" that Paul is revealing is that "All Israel will be saved" prior to Jesus return.The term "all Israel" does not mean each and every Jew alive will be converted. For example, after the Super Bowl it was said, "All Seattle was in the streets celebrating." That clearly does not mean each and every person living in Seattle.....just a whole lot of them. That is the sense of what the text in Rom.11 means--a mighty revival will occur within the Jewish community. Where though? Just in Israel or worldwide?.It would seem the latter makes more sense.

Is that happening? And what of the Jews retaining control of Jerusalem for the first time since 70 AD? There is no doubt that God is saving Jews today in a marvelous way. However, I personally do not see the kind of conversion indicated in Rom 11. Again, this does not refer to EVERY living Jew being saved, but a mighty work. I did some research on this topic, and I must confess that I don't see it....not.yet. And I may be wrong! There is no doubt that more Jews are coming to Christ these days, but the reality is that the vast majority of ethnic Jews are still unbelievers. Or am I wrong?

Some point to the at least partial control of Jerusalem in 1967 as significant. Surely it is since that is the first time that has occurred since 70  AD.. However, upon reflection, I do not know how this bears testimony to any end times predictions. Surely, it has no bearing on their conversion we spoke of. I know that many, since the influence of dispensationalism, have envisioned a literal  Temple with animal sacrifices.And the taking of Jerusalem would be step in that direction. But I find odious the notion that converted Jews would even want to sacrifice animals in light of Christ's work on the cross. It seems contrary to all the book of Hebrews discusses at length.This is taking us far afield into debates regarding the Millennium and so on. Suffice it to say that I personally envision a more comprehensive work of revival and salvation within the Jewish community before this sign is fulfilled. But honestly, I dunno....

Let us end this section as Paul did, as he contemplated the future conversion of the Jews...."For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Or who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid?" For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen." (Romans 11:34-36)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Myth that Satan and Evil Do Not Exist

By Lisa Grace

All historians, whether Christian or atheist, agree that Yeshua (Jesus) existed. Not only does the Roman arrest record still exist where it mentions He was executed for the crime of witchcraft (source: mentioned in From Jesus to Christ by Paula Fredrickson), but numerous ancient historians like Titus Flavius Josephus, mention Him.

Many scientific minds believe in string theory, and different dimensions which would lead to life. Many espouse that there might be an alternate version of themselves somewhere in one of these universes/dimensions. So why do these same people find it so hard to believe that evil angels/demons exist? Beings made of light?

Evil angels' sole purpose is to lead people away from the gift of salvation. That's it. What better way to lead modern man away from the truth than to allow him to think he is at the top of the brain chain? Let him believe there is nothing smarter or more intuitive out there?

That's exactly the method they use for unbelievers.

For those that seek them out, they use two different forms of deception:

1) Lying about the nature of the afterlife

a. People returning as ghosts (myth)
b. Everyone is happy and consciously aware, on a better more knowledgeable plain of existence after death (lie)
c. That what they are experiencing is the truth, to be trusted, and consulted. That they are friendly and here to "help" and "guide." (lie)
d. That you can help others to "cross over" into the "light" (lie)

2) Attaching themselves as tormenting demons or even possessing their host and inviting other demons to do so also.

a. Beyonce admits in a Katie Couric interview that she allows Sasha Fierce to inhabit her body
b. There are cases in the news every day of people committing heinous crimes, then awake to being horrified at what they have done.
c. There are cases (on several paranormal shows) where real people in distress contact "paranormal investigators" hoping for help in getting rid of these tormentors but instead they have invited in people who just want some fun documenting anything out of the ordinary. Of course, beings smarter than humans simply out-wait their would-be outers or in some cases, follow the investigators home and torment them.
d. Many people turn to drugs and alcohol to silence "their inner demons."
e. Women who have had abortions turn to drugs and alcohol at a much higher rate it be they are turning to the drugs and alcohol to silence demons tormenting them, not just their conscience bothering them? If it's okay, why so much guilt? If they have no guilt, then what is driving them to such self-destructive behavior?

You can see it is much better for the evil angels to remain hidden by allowing the modern myth that they "don't exist" flourish. It's always easier to get away with heinous acts if people look the other way, and boy, do the evil angels know it.

Lisa Grace is the author of the popular teen fiction Angel Series, which is in movie development. The first book can be downloaded for #free as an ebook at Smashwords Angel in the Shadows, Book 1 or from any major ebook retailer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bad Bad Thing Wednesday – More Fake Psychics, Exorcists & Goofballs

By Kirby Robinson


You don't need a psychic to get rid of demons. Especially if Cathy Johnson of Wood-Ridge, New Jersey and her relatives rip you off for $120,000. Here's the full story:


This North Carolina woman was lucky -- she only lost 30,000 dollars to fake psychic. Also, she chooses to remain anonymous. Tamara Caulder, a local psychic not involved in the case, is quoted: "…she’s a real one, but realizes most people are skeptical of her line of work."
Full story:


With the nation and the paranormal field fixated by the fake Gary, Indiana demon case, I felt it wise to share a fake demon story that takes place in Azerbaijan. According to BBC, "a video was posted online which shows [a young woman] being treated by self-professed exorcist Vusal Merdinli. In the video, he sings and reads to her from the Koran…"  You don't put a possessed person on TV for people to watch as entertainment. Additionally, the Bible teaches a house divided can't stand, and demons can't cast out other demons. How's this? Allah is a demon, therefore this self-professed exorcist can sing, dance, and read from the Koran all he wants – that demon ain't going back to hell. The story has no legs but it is worth reading for a laugh.


Bob Larson's back in the news! At least I can say he is a real pastor, unlike Andrew Calder [fake Episcopal Priest]. You can't do an exorcism via Skype--you must be there in person. Here's the full story:

They keep coming up with scams we keep catching them

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Dalai Lama Attends Interfaith Conclave on Peace and Religious Harmony in Assam

Despite the early morning fog in Delhi, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s flight took off on time this morning and duly landed punctually in Guwahati, capital of Assam. His host, Bhaskar Dutta-Baruah, of the Lawyer’s Book Stall (LBS), a well-established Assamese publisher and bookseller, was there to receive him. Tibetans and Assamese were gathered outside his hotel on the banks of the stately flowing Brahmaputra to greet His Holiness and he was offered a traditional welcome by both communities.

After lunch, a short drive brought His Holiness to Rabindra Bhawan, venue of an Interfaith Conclave on Peace and Religious Harmony. He met the spiritual representatives with whom he was to share the platform for some minutes before they all took their seats on the stage. Prof Ranjit Dev Goswami gave a welcome address in which he introduced them to the audience, before inviting them to join together to light the lamp inaugurating the occasion.

Swami Sumanasananda Maharaj of the Ramakrishna Mission, Cherrapunjee, gave the first presentation. He referred to the Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Dharma, comparing it to a great banyan tree that provides shelter for many, while its manifold roots and branches represent many paths to god. He quoted Sri Ramakrishna, who realized that all spiritual paths lead to the same goal, declaring "As many faiths, so many paths."

Buddhist bhikku, Ven. Bimalankur Mahathera of Jorhat Buddha Vihar spoke in Assamese, but remarked in English that Buddhism had never interfered with or damaged any other spiritual tradition. He was followed by Sri Narayan Chandra Goswami, Satradhikar of the Natun Kamalabari Satra, a local Vaishnav tradition, who is a noted literary scholar, who also spoke only in Assamese.

Father Thomas Menamparampil, Archbishop Emeritus of Guwahati thanked God for bringing together this group of people of different faiths. He acknowledged His Holiness’s efforts to encourage people to cultivate compassion, which he views as the common ground between our various spiritual traditions. Dr. Taufiqur Rahman Borbora, an Islamic scholar spoke of Islam as a religion of peace and outlined the five articles and six principles of Muslim practice. Gyani Swaran Singh for the Sikh tradition, after a stirring chant from the scriptures spoke in Punjabi and described a path to God not through intelligence but through surrender. He also remarked the importance of living in society without disturbing others. After him, Sri Kapoor Chand Jain, a Jain scholar suggested that Jainism has roots in pre-Vedic India. It is concerned with the purification with regard to self and ahimsa or non-violence in relation to others, based on the determination not to do others harm.

After addressing him as Mahapurush or a ‘great man’, Prof Goswami request His Holiness to speak. He began by saluting his religious brothers on the platform and greeting his brothers and sisters in the audience. He continued:

“Although I have passed through Guwahati airport many times on my way elsewhere, this is the first time I’ve come back to visit the city formally since I left Tibet nearly 55 years ago. It’s appropriate that the occasion should involve an interfaith event like this and I’d like to thank the organizers for arranging it. I’d also like to thank each of the previous speakers for giving us a sense of their faith.

“The main practice of all major religions is love and to defend it against obstacles we need tolerance and forgiveness. Consequently, all major religions talk about compassion, tolerance, contentment, and self-discipline. The masters of our various traditions have been realistic in their teaching. Because self-centredness often leads to greed, they all advised cultivating contentment and simplicity in our lives. Over the last 40 years or so, I’ve had many opportunities to meet with teachers of many traditions and learned that we all talk about love. If we had really put it into practice, there’d be no barriers between us, and the cancer of corruption would not have arisen. And frankly, we have enough problems in the world without adding religious conflict to them.”

His Holiness clarified that while in terms of an individual’s own practice the idea of one truth, one faith makes a great deal of sense, the reality in society at large is that there are several truths and many faiths. There are people living in many parts of the world who don’t have much contact with other religions. However, India is a pluralistic, multi-religious society, in which home grown religions like Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism flourish alongside religions that have come from outside like Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. All these faiths live peaceably together in harmony.

“I consider myself a messenger of ancient Indian thought,” His Holiness said to some applause, “wherever I go I speak about ahimsa and inter-religious harmony. Although there are clearly philosophical differences between them, all religious traditions have a similar message. I often observe that the Hindu and Buddhist traditions are like brothers, but from a philosophical viewpoint we take different stands. Where Hindus believe in the existence of atman, Buddhists argue for its opposite, anatma or selflessness. I have discussed these differences closely. Although there are some Swamis and sadhus more concerned with performing elaborate rituals, there are others well-read and deeply knowledgeable. I met such a Swami in Mathura a couple of years ago and we had illuminating discussions. He shed a lot of light on the branches of the Samkhya tradition that don’t assert the existence of a creator. But when it came to the contradiction between atman and anatma, I said, “Theories about the soul, or atman, are your business; selflessness, or anatma, is mine.”“

His Holiness explained that just as the Buddha appears to have taught different things to different people at different times and in different places because people are of different dispositions, so we may think of our various religious traditions as having arisen at different times, in different places, appealing to people of different dispositions. He pointed out that once we take such variations into account, we must also remember that among the 7 billion human beings alive today, 1 billion say they have no faith or interest in religion.

“If we talk to such people about heaven and hell, or about God or the Buddha, they are likely just to say, ‘We don’t care about that.’ To appeal to them and introduce them to the sound source of human happiness, we need to present a sense of ethics that does not draw on any particular religious tradition. This I refer to as secular ethics. And to support this I suggest that just as we teach about physical hygiene in the interest of good health, we now need to teach about mental or emotional hygiene too.”

His Holiness stressed that when he speaks about secular ethics he is not decrying religious tradition. Rather he uses the word in the way it is used in India to indicate not disdain, but respect for all religions and for those who follow none. He said:

“This has been just a report to my spiritual brothers about my concern to ensure the flourishing of human happiness and the fostering of harmony between our religious traditions. I am very happy we could meet together like this.”

As the audience expressed its appreciation with warm applause, His Holiness offered a kata, a white silk scarf to each of the participants. Sri Jatin Hazarika offered a vote of thanks. He expressed gratitude to His Holiness for gracing the occasion; gratitude to the Government of Assam for their help and support and to the LBS Foundation for taking the initiative.

Original link to article:

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Book of Revelations

Hello my para beauties! I trust everyone has had a wonderful weekend and a blessed Sunday. I pray everyone special to you and who you love is healthy. I've been receiving so many prayer requests from all over as many are struggling with sickness or struggling dealing with the loss of a loved one. May God bring you peace in these terrible times. When I lost my father I felt like part of me died too. In these times we must seek God's face for peace of mind. It's part of life and they are now with Jesus Christ in Heaven. It takes time but mourning a death does become more tolerable.

Now let's discuss the book of Revelations in general.

This is a summary in the best format I can offer. Or rather bits and pieces so it's not so overwhelming or puts the brain on overload. From my point of view. I am certainly not stating this is it, no o other views are correct. This is just my humble opinion. The name of the book, Revelation, is a translation of the title in the original New Testament Greek, Apocalypsis the origin of the other name by which the book is now known, the Apocalypse. The Greek term denotes an unveiling or uncovering—thus, a revelation. A very interesting title with very interesting events to come as we are warned.

Many ask why was this book written? Well, as I mentioned above, the book's very name means to reveal —to unveil, to open to understanding what otherwise could not be comprehended. Yet most people believe that this final book of the Bible cannot be understood at all, that its language and symbols are too confusing to make sense. I can understand why. It's very intimidating.

The author of the Book of Revelation is John, who is an exile living on the island of Patmos. Many of the early church fathers believe that he was the same person as the apostle John. However, some believe the writing style of Revelation suggests that the two are not in fact the same, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, although it is possible that the author of Revelation was an apostle of John.

The Book of Revelation's apocalyptic and symbolic language has resulted in a vast array of interpretations. The events depicted are often considered to be an illustration of the early Christian persecutions, but the symbolism is also interpreted quite literally, suggesting that the Book is really about the end of the world, and that the events it describes will occur. Some Christians do not accept the Book of Revelation as canonical, and the decision to accept it in the final list of canonical books was highly controversial, according to the article "Meander Travel: Book of Revelation."

The Vision Of The Worlds End

Revelation is a book written to reveal the future, and Jesus Christ is the One who does the revealing: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place … Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him” (Revelation 1:1,7).

Here is the theme of Revelation—the time of the end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ to establish God’s Kingdom on earth.

John explains where he was when he received this vision of the end time: “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet” (Revelation 1:9-10).

The Lord’s day (also known as “the day of the Lord” or “the day of Christ” throughout Scripture) is the time of God’s intervention in human affairs when He establishes His Kingdom. (Plainly in this context it does not refer to a particular day of the week for worshipping God. To better understand which day God has set aside for rest and worship, please download or request our free booklet Sunset to Sunset: God’s Sabbath Rest.)

The apostle Paul, referring to this same time, says: “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3).
In another epistle Paul calls it “the day of Christ” (2 Thessalonians 2:2). The reason is that Jesus Christ, the Lord, intervenes in a powerful way at this time to take over the world. This is why this end-time period is called the Lord’s day.

John’s vision of the Lord’s day begins in Revelation 4: “Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne” (verse 2). After describing the scene in heaven, John focuses on a scroll God holds that lists end-time events. “And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals” (Revelation 5:1).

Only Jesus Christ, called the Lamb, is worthy to open the seals and unleash these end-time events. When God the Father determines the time is ready, He authorizes Jesus to initiate the events written on the scroll. They include the terrifying end-time occurrences prophesied throughout the Scriptures to take place during the 3 1⁄2 year period.

The seven seals describe the events before and during Christ’s return to rule the earth. “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels …saying with a loud voice, ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!’” (Revelation 5:11-12). Here Jesus Christ is being authorized to unleash the final events and then establish His Kingdom.

The first seal (Revelation 6:1-2) represents widespread deception by a false Christianity that began in the days of the apostles (Matthew 24:4 – 5). The second seal (Revelation 6:3-4) refers to the increasing devastation caused by war as the end approaches (Matthew 24:6-7). The third seal (Revelation 6:5-6) represents increasing hunger and famines (Matthew 24:7). Other consequences of war and famine are represented by the fourth seal (Revelation 6:7-8)—such things as disease, plagues and civil unrest that kill many people (Matthew 24:7).

All of the events in the first four seals have been occurring, with varying frequency and intensity, from Christ’s time to our day. But they have greatly intensified over the last century and will grow even worse in the suffering mankind will have to endure nearer the end.

The fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11) brings us directly to the time of the end. It acknowledges the past persecution and martyrdom of God’s servants and announces they will have to wait “a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed,” before God avenges their deaths.

In The book of Matthew 24:9 Jesus tells His followers this will be a time when “they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” He also describes it as a time of “great tribulation


The next seal describes how “powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Matthew 24:29) after the end-time tribulation and martyrdom of the saints has begun but before God’s wrath is unleashed in “the day of the Lord” (Joel 2:31). These heavenly signs announce the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

Terrifying heavenly signs announce Jesus Christ’s direct intervention in world events to save mankind from itself. This shows that, while God has permitted the previous end-time disasters, Satan has been their driving force. Now God begins to demolish Satan’s kingdom, pouring out His wrath on a rebellious and insolent world.

“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.

“And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?’” (Revelation 6:12-17).

Jesus described this sixth sign in His Olivet Prophecy: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption [rescue] draws near” (Luke 21:25-28).

Consequently, in the latter part of the 3 1⁄2 years of Satan’s wrath, God will intervene, first with signs and wonders in the heavens, then by orchestrating His final punishments before Jesus Christ’s return.

Finally the seventh seal is opened (Revelation 8). It describes seven other aspects of end-time events, each announced with a trumpet blast. In the first four of these plagues God strikes the earth and mankind’s environmental support systems. The fifth trumpet’s plague inflicts great pain on those refusing to serve God. In the sixth trumpet plague, God permits an unimaginably destructive and all-out worldwide war to begin (Revelation 8-9).

With the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the Bible reveals that “the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets” (Revelation 10:7).

This mystery of the end time was briefly alluded to in the Garden of Eden and its meaning glimpsed by the patriarchs and prophets. John writes: “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” (Revelation 11:15).

God is in control. Every prophetic detail will be carried out according to His time frame.

As Christ concluded His Olivet Prophecy in Luke 21:34-36, He warned His disciples who would live during the end time: “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Written By Jennifer L Auld

Gossip Quiz

By Pastor Stephen Piersall
God's Preservation Ministry,

See original quiz here:

Think you don’t gossip? Take this quiz to find out…

1)     You and your friends are at a social event, and you see one of your friend’s smoking marijuana. You:

a)     Pray for them.

b)     Add them to your prayer list.

c)     Tell everyone on social media.

d)     Tell their spouse and pray for your friend.

2)     You walk by the magazine counter and see a headline about your favorite movie star cheating on their spouse. You:

a)     Pull out your wallet and buy it because you just have to know the details.

b)     You’re tempted, but walk away.

c)     Leave the magazine, but check out the story online. You won’t financially support those types of magazines.

d)     You walk away; those magazines are junk.

3)     You overhear your friend’s spouse telling everyone lies about their relationship. You:

a)     Confront them right there and tell them to take back the lies.

b)     Run and tell your friend.

c)     Post the story on social media.

d)     Spread lies about them and see how they feel when it is done to them.

4)     Your friends are sitting around when one starts telling you what they heard one’s teenager got in trouble at a party last weekend. You:

a)     Listen intently, then call everyone you know. You can’t keep a story that good quiet.

b)     Listen and analyze their actions with your friends.

c)     Go get another drink while they finish talking about it.

d)     Tell them you don’t feel comfortable talking about it and change the subject.

5)     You and your friends usually talk about:

a)     Dating, friends, people at work.

b)     What’s going on in your lives.

c)     Sports, movies, music.

d)     Celebrities.

6)     Your friend’s daughter confides in you that she got pregnant. You:

a)     Tell Everyone.

b)     Ask your teens for advice because you need to know how to deal with it, without saying whom it is.

c)     Write about it on your social media.

d)     Tell no one. Just pray to God for what you should do.

7)     How many times a week do you hear yourself saying, “Did you hear about…?

a)     At least once a day.

b)     2 to 5.

c)     1 to 2.

d)     Never.

ANSWERS are at the bottom of this page.

“Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; and where there is no talebearer, strife ceases.” Proverbs 26:20

Gossip is defined as a rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature. As a noun (a person) and a verb (an action), gossip is often very busy. Which is why people who gossip is referred to as busybodies.

No one likes to be called a busybody. The busybodies are those people who spend all day and night probing the lives of other people, so they can share it with all their friends, family, and every stranger who will listen. To ally yourself with such a term is to admit you have no life! Yet, can anyone honestly say they’ve never gossiped?

Honestly, Christians gossip. In many cases, the spicy details that come out of a Christian’s mouth are more damaging than a worldly one:

1)     Christians are not supposed to gossip. The Bible clearly states that gossip and backbiting are on God’s no-no list.

a)     Leviticus 19:16 – “You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the LORD.”

b)     Ephesians 4:29 – “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

c)     Psalms 34:13 – “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.”

d)     Ephesians 4:31 – “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.”

e)     James 4:11 – “Speak not evil one of another.”

2)     Whenever Christians do things they are not “supposed” to, two things can happen:

a)     Unbelievers receive more negative evidence against Christians. (How can Christians claim the Bible is the truth and way of life to live).

b)      Other Christians watching are affected in a negative way by discouragement and prideful thinking.

Christians spiritualize excuses to make them less sinful. This can be seen in the way the Bible is interpreted, for the most part, as it relates to; sexual sins, how and what to speak, eating habits, how and when to sleep, work, exercise, etc.

Christians like to overlook their favored habits of sin. They rationalize these habits no matter how bad, or harmful, or negative. They will make these habits more presentable, by dressing them up to look like something good or beneficial, or even calling it spiritual.

I can honestly say, I have been, am currently involved in, and probably will in my future be gossiped about. It is always tempting to correct the gossip, to identify the offender and to put them in their place. Trust me when I say, to take the correct Godly way is NOT at all easy. Experience has taught me that the best course of action is to forgive them (You do not have to confront them to do this) ignore the gossip and pray for these people. Being an Ordained Pastor and licensed by the State, I have a higher calling to be more respectable and exist above reproach as good as I can. Do I fail? Yes, every day. That is why it is important when you recognize yourself sinning to pray for forgiveness immediately, or if the day goes by, and I may not be aware of doing anything wrong, I pray before bedtime asking God’s forgiveness for those known and unknown to me.

I am not saying that we should live irresponsibly and disregard correction. We should simply live our lives the best the Bible tells us how to. To love God, love people, submit appropriately and try not to cause others to stumble through our behavior. If we work out our own walks with God, we can rest assured that what people say won’t matter. We should just accept that people gossip and leave it to God justify us.

So if we are going to say anything about others, let it be a testimony, let it be something good, which edifies the hearer. Perhaps the old adage puts it most aptly; “If you have nothing good to say about someone, say nothing at all.”

Let us look at the answers to the quiz you took, and no matter of the results good or bad say a prayer right now to God and Thank Him for revealing some truths about you in how you conduct your life.

Scoring Key

1)     A = 4,  B = 2,  C = 1,  D = 3

2)     A = 1,  B = 3,  C = 2,  D = 4

3)     A = 4,  B = 3,  C = 2,  D = 1

4)     A = 1,  B = 2,  C = 3,  D = 4

5)     A = 1,  B = 3,  C = 4,  D = 2

6)     A = 1,  B = 3,  C = 2,  D = 4

7)     A = 1,  B = 2,  C = 3,  D = 4


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