Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Issue 128 – The Murder Bordello, Part 3

By Kirby Robinson

Continued from:

Listen to tonight’s radio show Don’t Get Fooled by “Six” Again! [7 PST/ 10 EST]


There’s no blood in the Murder Bordello--but there is LOTS of ego


It’ll be an in depth look into the story of how a community bought into a false account concerning the Murder Bordello in Galena, Kansas. It’ll show how the para-celebrity community jumped on board for fame and profit.

The book will also look into the subject of paranormal ethics, or the lack of ethics, within the paranormal community. Watch for it this fall.

The Klinge Brothers Separate Legends from Historical Fact!

Galenas Murder Bordello
This is Brad Klinge from Discovery Channel's Ghost Lab. My brother and I have visited hundreds if not thousands of haunted locations coast to coast and border to border. We have interacted with real history first hand. We have been able to separate legends from historical fact, and by doing so we have found that most of the time legends are born from fact. We are good at what we do, and our reputation is impeccable. Our goal is to bridge the gap between legend and history—finding those important pieces of unwritten history that complete the puzzle. Museums run by state university systems around the country are currently building exhibits based on our work and research, so even the experts in the mainstream look up to us. The Galena Murder Bordello gained our attention a couple years ago when we first heard the stories surrounding it. But we have seen the same old thing time after time—a old building that has paranormal activity and a story is made up around the true haunting to make sense of it. It is human nature to try to create an ounce of logic to explain the unknown. But the bordello completely blew us away. We found through our own tedious research that the legends seem to point to the truth. You can’t discount over a hundred years of family histories telling each generation about the murderous bordello. Court documents, police records, and newspaper accounts from back in the day also support its stories. This is what interested us in the bordello so much. Finally, here is a place where legend and fact actually meet, and the paranormal evidence support both. We recently filmed a documentary at the bordello that will be released this fall. This is our story of the bordello based on what we found—both tangible and paranormal. Now the story is going to be told on an international stage. This story is more than just a bordello, more than just murders, more than just local politics, and more than just ghosts. It is about ALL of the activities that culminated in the town in such a short period of time that allowed an imprint to made on the environment. So ready or not, Galena and its bordello are about to have a world-wide spotlight on them, and rightfully so. Galena had an important part in the building of this country, and the vices and malice that came along with success are equally important lessons—not to mention it sits right on historic Route 66. Everyone will know the story. Be watching for an official press release on the documentary in a couple weeks and a trailer as well. Barry and I will be in Galena for the Route 66 Festival next weekend (August 2nd). I’m sure we will be by the bordello a time or two while we are there, so drop by and say hi.

So… we have to ask:

1 You claim that your reputation is impeccable. Then how can you explain the times that you’ve been caught faking scenes, making false claims, and multiple cases of fake EVP’s?

2 You claim to have investigated hundreds, if not thousands of haunted sites. How many times were you paid to hunt by the owners of the site?

When you were paid to ghost hunt, how many places did you find that weren’t haunted?

3 How many times did you run into demonic spirits? How did you get rid of such spirits?

4 Please list the names of these museums at the state run universities that are changing displays due to your findings.

5 Please list the names of these experts that are “looking up to you.”

6 Point out any valid historical proof that you found [that no one else has] that the house on Main Street is the Murder Bordello.

Why did you try to cover up the contact you had with Carolyn McLean who knows the truth that that house is not related to the murders?

7 If this research is so tedious, why mince words? Let people know you find research to be boring and monotonous?

8 You state that “legend and fact actually meet…” Is this the first time in your career this has happened?

Russ Keeler admits that there is no “REAL” proof that it’s the Murder Bordello but he has a lot of crap to back up his claims:

Note he says that there is NO proof [historical]. He doesn’t really address the proof [historical] that it isn’t in the house but he sure has a lot of paranormal proof.

What’s paranormal proof? Photos of ghosts? EVP’s [Electronic Voice Patterns]? They are the so-called voices of the dead responding to voices of the living.

Can this be proven to be true? No. If you listen to the majority EVPS, the voices barely manage to croak out a few words. Why can’t the dead speak in complete sentences? Do we suddenly lose our ability to speak when we die?

But we’re putting the cart first here…

1 You’d have to decide if ghosts are for real.

2 Are ghosts completely honest when they talk to us? Look at it from the ghost’s viewpoint. Would ghost hunters respond to a Joe the Plumber? Probably not. But a killer “madam” gets lots of attention.

3 What about the people who say that there are no ghosts--only angels and demons? I find it odd that few, if any, ghost hunters ever capture an angel, GOD or His Son Jesus Christ.

So if you get an EVP from a demon how can you be sure that it’s truthful?

As you can see, there is no real PARANORMAL PROOF that a serious historian will accept. What Russ Keeler, the Klinge Brothers, and others hope you only see is the word proof.


Here’s a blog that backs up much of what is being said here

Katie Mullaly says it very well!

Next week more madness from Galena, Kansas.

We have a New Blogger!

Meet Jen A., a third generation Biblical Demonologist. She’ll be blogging every other Sunday beginning August 4th. Read more about her here:

The EYE ON THE PARANORMAL wants you as a blogger!

Want to join the best team of paranormal reporters? Do you want your blog to get hits and comments? If so, you can blog for us as we have only TWO spots open. Contact:

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Don’t Get Fooled by “Six” Again! – Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Because once is more than enough!

Last week we just broke the surface to the real story of Paranormal State’s “I Am Six” episode. The show featured a fake case of demonic possession. That wasn’t the only thing being faked…so was the evidence, the team, and even the priest! Best of all, psychic/medium Chip Coffey, who once publicly stated that he wasn’t a demonologist, stepped in and declared the demon was gone. Two weeks later, Laura had such a negative reaction to holy water she had to be rushed to the hospital.

About a year later, PRS presented a follow up episode called “The Possession: Return of Six.” This hour-long episode features Laura and family, along with a new demonic case located down in Kentucky. [The events featured in the Kentucky case happened in the mid-90s when Ryan Buell was in high school watching The X Files]. Since “I Am Six” enjoyed a ratings bonanza for the series, fans and the production company wanted to know what happened to Laura, so more outlandish claims and stunts take place.

Even at the end of the second episode the story didn’t stop. Instead, the legend kept growing.

Here’s a link to the episode: 

Tune in, call in, and be informed.

We have a book that looks at the case in-depth: Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State’s ‘I Am Six’ Case. It’s available in eBook and paperback. Here’s the link:

As a weekly feature, Kirby will also share some book reviews and recommendations, as well as his infamous incredible "BAD BAD Thing Awards."

Showtime begins at 7 PM or 10 PM EST.  See this page for more information:

Missed last week's show--Don’t Get Played by Six? That's okay, here's the podcast:

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?" [also in paperback!], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Christians Quit Satire

By Stephen Piersall

Breaking News
Satan is telling all in his kingdom that thanks to the media, they have established a stronghold within humanity. More TV shows, movies, books, magazines, and events across the world are promoting sinful ways of life. More people have stopped going to their local churches altogether. Many Pastors are going away from the teachings of the Bible and inserting their own beliefs, interpretations, and taking scores of people with them, as the Bible foretells. As a result, we now have more people sinning by dabbling with; ghost hunting, Wicca, Occult, earth-bound spirits, purgatory, Mediums and Psychics, etc. Spiritual Warfare is ongoing, and we are winning the battle with little effort. The human race is falling because of pride and ignorance. What a bunch of numbskulls! Let us prove it to you.

Pray to God
Christians really believe they can please “God.” Since the victory of getting humanity to sin at the Garden of Eden, man has been born into a sinful nature. Jesus came to make them a new creation, if they only just believed in “Him.” They are incapable of getting “right with God”! “The Galatian fascination,” where now they are right with God. They feel they have to keep up a certain standard to please Him. It is as if trying to please everyone, which we know, is impossible. To please one group of people you are invariably going to displease another group! They need to resign themselves to the fact Christianity is not a popularity contest. Ultimately, they just have to follow God’s voice, walk in the truth, and live a life of discernment of the Holy Spirit.

Funny too, how Spiritual Warfare exists; they think they can cause a change. These humans are always seeking the easy way out; ghost hunting, seeing psychics, after the occult and witchcraft. Some of these knuckleheads actually believe that going to a person’s home and doing a cleansing gets rid of us evil spirits. Ignorance is bliss and rampant across the globe. Why would anybody think that doing a Blessing would cleanse a home when the family has no religion, and willingly partakes of sins and wants to continue to live life that way? Why anyone would want to quit; Smoking, drugs, alcohol, unforgiveness, lust, sex sins, etc? That is just crazy, who doesn’t like to have their cake and eat it too? We have them so fooled that they have established homosexual Pastors, marriage laws that promote same-sex health benefits, and even killing babies through abortion.

Our sinful nature
Did you know that God does not want them to try to do what is right and avoid what is wrong? Just knowing the difference and for them to make their own decisions and try to be Christ like. God only wanted Adam and Eve to live well in relationship with Him, which is the same for today. That fellow Paul, who was a great example for us when he was Saul wrote in Romans 7 where he explains his problem of knowing what is good and bad and feeling he should try to live, based upon that!

It is also comical to watch humans pray with no confidence. “If it be your will” is the ultimate cop-out! Their Bible says his will is that things on Earth would be as they are in Heaven. If they do not know his will, ask God! After all, he is not looking to give them permission to exercise his will but to show it.

Prayer is talking with God
Have you ever noticed how people rate their sins? Clearly, the Bible does not rate sins as better as or worse than one another does. Why is it that so-called Christians are willing to walk down the street with signs to show how much “God hates gay people” and yet there are no Christians picketing restaurants because (some) people in, there are being gluttonous? Why are they not out on the corners, helping the homeless, praying for healing for the sick? This way society sees them as “Violent Christians,” and nobody will want salvation. Therefore, more souls will be taking the elevator downward.

Satan's influence

They have some great family value’s reality TV shows too. Most women are dressed provocatively, showing off expensive jewelry, fighting, and cursing with each other. Same goes with the televangelist shows where pastors living a lifestyle of the rich and famous. Even when the camera pans around the congregation, notice all the people having all their gold jewelry out and wearing expensive clothes, trying to be better than the next one. Talk about your fake Holy Rollers!

It seems casual for them to feel good about themselves when they look around their immediate circle of influence, maybe knowing the Bible better than their friends have. If they shed their pride, it would be carefree for them to feel bad. Maybe put down the picket signs, look around, and see a church in the next town over and notice how full their parking lot is and how many people leave a church with love and happiness in their hearts. Getting into comparison is never healthy, neither guilt nor pride is great places to go! Instead, let them just compare to one person. Jesus!

How does your life measure up to the life of Jesus? Can we truly say, “It’s no longer I who live but Christ in me”?

Evangelist Stephen PiersallGod's Preservation Ministry Salvation, Deliverance, Healing, and counseling Ministries

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why Do We Choose to Live with a Paranormal Presence?

By Reverend Mark Hunnemann

There was an unusual amount of feedback re last weeks blog--The Creeping Darkness--and it was profoundly moving. I want to pursue in more detail this question: why do we choose to live with paranormal activity? This may not apply directly to you personally, but chances are it does apply to someone you know...and even if it doesn't, I think we should try to be aware of our changing spiritual landscape. In the last three weeks 10 different families have contacted me, wanting to know how to get rid of a long-lived evil presence in their homes. Every situation is heartbreaking, and I desperately want to help.So, let me list some reasons, and then make a comment or two.

1. As bad as things are, I am afraid that any attempts to "fix it" will only anger the entities and make our lives even more miserable. How can I be sure?
2. "I have Native American in me and we tend to see the spirit realm as a natural part of mom was a medium, wiccan (fill in the blank), and I have seen sprites, shadows, animal spirits since I was a child.
3. I can sense that this presence is positive and benevolent, and it has never hurt anybody...maybe startled us a few times..
4. The little girl said she needed me
5. This "presence" has been here for generations, and I do not like change...even if it might be good change.
6. I have tried to get help but was afraid folks would think I was crazy and take my kids away.
7. Umm....I have tried but 8 pastors have made me feel like dirt, in their own distinctive ways.
8. I have given up hope and I want to, what difference does it make?
9. I am emotionally attached to the entity that makes love to me
10. The paranormal investigative team had all the latest and greatest in technology--if they determined that entities are innocuous, who am I to disagree?
11. Being part of a paranormal investigative team, I expect to have some spirits follow me home
12. I find the children spirits entertaining...keep me from feeling lonely.
13. They threatened to kill me or a loved one if we tried to get help.
14. My husband does not see/hear the activity and refuses to allow anybody to  come over and help.
15. I am fascinated with the spirit realm, and since my church is dead, I love having direct contact with the my home!

Let me comment on the last one first. It seems to me that our culture has become so fascinated with the paranormal that it has become the new normal. In the span of about twenty years, the spiritual landscape of America has changed dramatically.There is a saying, "The very best things, when twisted, become the very worst things." Our longing for personal contact and communion with the supernatural (God), is a huge, salient aspect of being human. However, because we have all sinned (Rom.3:23), we cannot--indeed MUST NOT--seek direct, immediate contact with spiritual reality. The essence of the gospel is that we approach God mediately (not immediately) through the Person and work of Jesus. He is the only mediator between God and man."For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (1 Tim.2:5) This verse tells us that there is salvation in only Jesus, but it also shows us how horribly twisted it is to approach spiritual reality in our own strength. We can have spiritual reality and direct access to God--through Jesus Christ. This text is also at odds with the notion of spirit guides...or saints praying for us.

1. I can sympathize because often intervention does make things worse. A typical investigation with collecting EVP's will make it worse. So will a preacher/priest who only blesses the house without first expelling demons--like throwing water on hornets nest--it angers the demons.We cannot fully discuss this now, but right person WILL get rid of demonic presence.
2. We are to ..."bring all of our thoughts captive to obey Christ".(2 Cor. 10:5) As biblical Christians we are to have our minds transformed...A biblical worldview sees these spirit manifestations as abnormal--as demonic intrusions.
3. The Word of God is to have primacy over our very fallible affective perceptions of spirit entities. Demons can project an aura of light, peace, and even "holiness" (angel of Light)
4. It ain't a little girl, and it wants to kill you.
5. It is well known that many folks detest change, even if they know it will benefit them. Is Jesus your Lord, or not? Then CHANGE!
6 & 7. Please contact me and I will help or get somebody confidential/competent who you.
8. PLEASE do not give up hope because there is HOPE in Jesus!
9. As demonic sexual activity increases, as horrid as it may sound, a growing number of men and women are experiencing this sexually based addiction.  I would like to help anyone is experiencing this.
10. As wonderful as science is, it is UNABLE to determine the identity of preternatural entities.
11. I will say it again...assume that all paranormal activity is demonic.
12. What kind of God would leave young children here? Pure evil spirits who will entertain you to death.
13 All the more reason to see the urgency of ousting these unclean spirits
14. Actually, the skeptical husband is likely under the spell of demonic influence--causing or amplifying denial. Find a time when he won't be there...must obey God rather then man.

In all these scenarios, demonic influence is likely at work. Infesting demons have the ability to project whole patterns of thoughts or emotions which are designed to dissuade you from getting assistance. Usually it is projected in such a way that affected person hears it in his own mind-voice...but slowly turns one away from truth and reality. Since they desire to destroy family unity as well, there is often "targeting" that occurs--one spouse may not see/hear anything, but even this is diabolically  amplified and a hyper-cynicism begins in skeptical spouse...causing further friction. This unresolved friction can itself give the demons even more of a foothold in your home. "Do not let the sun go down on your anger, lest you give the devil a foothold."(Eph. 4:26-27) Then it turns into a vicious cycle..

Also, if a person in an infested house even mentions getting help out loud (since demons cannot read minds), then the demon-pack will do all in its power to ensure that that does not happen...but we are  more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!.

Okay, enough about demons. "So, whether you eat or drink,or whatever you do,  do all to the glory of God." (1 Cor. 10:31)  Every aspect of our lives has the potential to honor God. As Christians, we yearn to bring honor and glory to our most excellent King and Redeemer! This text I quoted can and should be applied to EVERY thing we do...everything--let us ask God to teach us how to live existentially (moment by moment) for His glory. Certainly...most certainly,  how we view and interact with the spirit realm must  be done to the glory of  God. Are your beliefs and practice toward the paranormal being done to the glory of God? If you desire deep spiritual reality, then apply this verse to everything you think, do, and say. Then you will glorify God and enjoy Him immensely.

Do You Believe in Angels?

By Lisa Grace

Recently I was asked in an interview if I believe in angels or the supernatural as the way it appears in my fiction books. 

Yes, I believe in angels. Have I knowingly seen any? No. 

However, I have met some disturbed people that I believe are possessed, and no, the mental health counseling and medication did not help them. 

Do I believe events could happen the way they do in my books? Yes and no. It’s a work of fiction and as such, many incidences are over the top. I believe in today’s modern world the supernatural one does prefer to remain hidden. It’s easier to operate when people don’t believe it exists. I believe all “ghosts” are demonic manifestations leading people away from truth. 

If a being, (no matter how beautiful as Satan can appear as an angel of light) contradicts the Holy Scriptures, it is evil and sent to lull people into believing a false view of the afterlife to their detriment. The devil is recruiting for his army through deception. 

Your best defense? Know your scriptures. Understand the supernatural world and its goals. Put on the armor of Christ and be prepared for spiritual warfare.

NOTE: This is a rerun blog from Lisa Grace as she is currently on vacation.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Issue 127 – The Murder Bordello, Part 2

By Kirby Robinson

Continued from Issue 126 The Murder Bordello, Part 1

Listen to tonight’s radio show Demonic Activity: Don’t Get Played by “Six” [7 PST/ 10 EST]

Fake Murder Bordello Case Makes Fools of Fake Para-celeb Squad

Sometimes it’s best to just admit you made a mistake, cut your losses, and move on. But it seems that many are caught up in Russ Keeler’s literal attempt to turn Galena, Kansas into a ghost [hunting] town for his ego and financial gain. Russ’s website, After Midnight Paranormal Investigations is down, and the Facebook page is inactive. Why? So he can spend time in Galena spreading lies and tall tales.

No page or website. It seems that when Mr. Keeler gets the scent of money and fame in his nostrils it drowns out his interest in the paranormal, outside of making a lot of money.

Chip Coffey Really Needs to Fire his Spirit Guides

We received the following posts that Coffey posted on his Facebook page concerning his days in the fake murder bordello:

~ Day 3 of filming with Barry Klinge, Brad Klinge and Selena Roane. It's about to get very real and intense on this investigation!

~ A very long, but productive, day of filming for our DVD. I think you all will be very pleased with it. We've already gotten some kick a$$ evidence! We finish up tomorrow, then I head home on Saturday.

~ The photo is of a professional actress who appears in reenactment scenes during the DVD that I filmed last week in Galena, Kansas, along with the Klinge Brothers and Selena Roane.
We investigated a haunted bordello and the actress was reenacting the role of the "madam" of the "house." 

Last week we went “soft” on Mr. Coffey, as he’s just a hired hand on this shoot. Now we clearly see that he’s helping them spread the deception since it’s proven that the house on Main has nothing to do with a murder bordello.

Local ABC News Outlet in Galena Allows Fake Para-Celebrity to Lie

- Lisa Livingston Martin would sell more of her books if the deception goes unchecked. Being an author, she should know how to fact check. Her publisher should’ve done a much better job of fact checking.

But it’s even worse than that. She outright lied to the viewers. Before the interview, she was told that all the proof concerning the main house wasn’t real. No one ever talked about the house being the murder bordello. That is, until Russ Keeler came along.

- Brad Klinge claims they’re seeking paranormal proof and historical documentation. If so, why did he rebuff anything that would prove the house is the real deal? Why did he rebuff Carolyn McLean in a series of email exchanges between them? She informed him that she had proof concerning the fact that the Staffleback house burnt down in 1897. He sent her an email asking if she’d like to be interviewed for the documentary. Then he sent her an email telling her that they’d take it from here.

Not sure what “IT” is but am sure IT isn’t the truth.

Apparently, Chip knows there’s nothing there. His act from his Paranormal State days might not be enough to save the day, so he seems to be hedging his bets.

They can’t wait to make money off the place as Russ and his squad eagerly promote this:

Hey guys. The Murder Bordello is finally ready for overnight investigations. You can have up to 10 people at the Bordello for the same price AND you get 12 full hours (7PM to 7AM). Reservations begin for the Friday, August 16th date and go daily 7 days a week...365 days per year.

Shell out $500.00 plus $24.95 processing fee.

For that amount of money, you can get a spacious guest room [for approx. 24 hours] at the Beverly Hills Hotel!

Here are the lies they are spreading about the fake murder bordello:

“In the late 1800's, the mining industry was in full swing in Galena, KS--and so was malice and vice. Brothels and saloons lined the crowded streets catering to the passing miners. One family saw opportunity and not only opened a bordello, but murdered many of its patrons for their money and dumped the bodies in mineshafts to make it look like an accident. It is rumored that up to 30 murders took place in the unassuming little building on the corner of Route 66. Miners and prostitutes alike are said to have met an untimely demise, but still haunt the location. People have witnessed apparitions, disembodied voices, objects moving, doors opening and closing, and all other types of activity that defies sensible thought. Could the murderous family still linger in its shadows, or is it the miners lost souls looking for peace? Either way, you can experience an entire night in the bordello seeking them on your very own. This is not a hotel stay. This is not a bed and breakfast. It's also not a theatrical haunted house. This is the real deal. This is a museum dedicated to the memory of a bygone era and the sinister history it imprinted on the small Southeastern Kansas town. The building has recently undergone full renovations to restore it to its infamous past, and tours run daily. But this is a unique experience. Reserve your overnight stay today.”

Is this bordering on criminal conspiracy?

I’m not a lawyer but it seems to me that there’s a conspiracy to defraud people by public officials, authors, various paranormal groups, wannabes and numerous others.

They know the house is fake. They’ve seen the proof, yet they’re working to keep the public from learning the truth. They’re selling the falsehoods for profit that they wouldn’t make if the public knew the truth.

So what does that sound like to you?

Next week read more about this story as we have a lot to expose. Here's The Murder Bordello, Part 3


Click here to see where you can get IS THE LONG ISLAND MEDIUM THE REAL DEAL? along with Kirby Robinson's other titles.

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EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?" [Paperback due in August], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Compassion, and Rabid Dogs

Published on June 3, 2009 by Jonathan S. Kaplan, Ph.D. in Urban Mindfulness

Last month, I attended a two-day conference on meditation and psychotherapy co-sponsored by Harvard Medical School. The theme of the conference was "Wisdom and Compassion", featuring the Dalai Lama as the main speaker. In a previous post, I discussed the refreshing novelty of his frequently professed ignorance
In this post, I wanted to share a few insights and observations that he did offer.

Mindfulness is Important

Not surprisingly, the Dalai Lama emphasized the importance of mindfulness. He explained that wisdom and compassion can be cultivated through "mental engagement" with an object and aspiration, respectively. In other words, we become wise through deepening our understanding of things around us, and we become compassionate by focusing on compassion. He noted that mindfulness is relevant for both: it helps us maintain our focus, whether on a particular fact or goal.

City Living is Particularly Challenging

Dr. Judith Jordan, one of the Founding Fellows and current Director of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, inquired about cross-cultural differences in relationships and autonomy. She observed that Western culture (and psychotherapy) emphasizes separateness and individuality, while Eastern culture emphasizes interdependence and collectivism.

The Dalai Lama opined that there is "no big difference" between the West and East mentally, emotionally, and physically. However, there is a "difference between the big city and countryside." He indicated that urban environments cultivate a mental state in which people more concerned with money, which gives rise to more anxiety and stress. He also noted that rich people are more likely to experience "destructive emotions" (e.g., jealousy, arrogance, etc.) and a decreased sense of community. As a result, he noted--somewhat self-consciously--that it is even more important to mindfully maintain humility and connectedness when when you become "an object of reverence."

"Wrong is Wrong"

Judith Herman, founder of the Victims of Violence program in Boston, asked a question about the limits of compassion, especially relative to perpetrators of violence. She noted that there is an apparent burden on the survivor of violence to forgive in order to more forward. The Dalai Lama responded by delineating two levels of compassion. In the first level, one seeks to understand compassion intellectually and consider factually what has happened, which can promote a sense of attachment to our selves and loved ones (i.e., me vs. "him/her"). As a result, it can lead to hatred or anger directed against the perpetrator. In the second level, one trains to cultivate compassion through a genuine sense of concern for others, including the perpetrator. At this level, one is capable of doing two things: (1) oppose the "wrongful acts" done by someone else; and (2) recognize the inherent humanity of that person. He suggested that it is possible to take the following compassionate action: (1) feel solidarity in the fact that all human beings want to overcome suffering; (2) point out what is wrong in the behavior, out of concern for the individual; (3) consider the well-being of all society, which suggests that wrong doers deserve justice. He added, "Wrong is wrong. We have to make it clear."

Metta Won't Stop a Rabid Dog

Many times during the meeting, the Dalai Lama reflected on the complexity of the human condition, and our collective inability to provide simple solutions to life's circumstances. He noted, for example, "For mental problems, there is not one antidote." What this means, of course, is that the cultivation of any one single attribute--whether compassion, wisdom, or mindfulness--is not sufficient. Compassion is a wonderful attribute to develop, but it has limits. As the Dalai Lama stated simply, "If a mad dog is coming towards you, compassion is no use. You need to use your intelligence." It might also help if you can run really, really fast...

Don’t Get Played by “Six” – Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There is no such thing as a simple demonic case when it comes to the investigative side of it. What are the steps a team or individual should take when they agree to handle it?

Unfortunately, there is no step-by-step guide or DVD series. The general guidelines published by the Catholic church offers some basic things to look for: superhuman strength, knowledge you shouldn’t have [knowing about others you’ve just met] and a few others. If you uncover these signs and collect additional proof, you can then approach the church to take the case.

The Protestant church offers fewer guidelines to follow. Many leave it up to individual pastors or lay people to make that determination. This can lead to good-hearted people who are trying to help others, but they make mistakes dealing with the demonic. Sadly, thrill seekers or those who have motives of becoming famous, lay a path of spiritual destruction in their wake.

For the next 2 shows we’ll take the listeners through one of the most public and controversial demonic cases since 2008 – the “I Am Six” case.

The case was featured twice on the scripted para-reality show Paranormal State. The show featured Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Father Bob Bailey, Father Andrew Calder, and Chad Calek. The listener would be at an advantage if they watch them prior to the show, but it’s not necessary.

Here are the YouTube links [you might find them on Hulu or buy them from a streaming service].




Will post links to the second episode next week.

We’ll cover the numerous errors, the false statements that the team makes about the demonic and possession, false scenes, and more. This was never a case of the demonic but a case of a family and a troubled young woman.

Tune in, call in, and be informed.

We have a book that looks at the case in-depth: “Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State’s ‘I Am Six’ Case.” It’s available in eBook and paperback. Here are links:

We'll also talk about my new book on Theresa Caputo Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?

As a weekly feature, Kirby will also share some book reviews and recommendations, as well as his infamous incredible "BAD BAD Thing Awards."

Showtime begins at 7 PM or 10 PM EST.  See this page for more information:

Missed last week's show on Ghost Hunting Certification & Paranormal Ethics? That's okay, here's the podcast:

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?" [Paperback will be out in August], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bad Bad Thing Award Goes to Bad Psychics & Dirty Eggs

By Kirby Robinson

Bad Psychics
Dirty Eggs

$11,000 was spent lifting curse at Westside Psychic Readings By Yana. The only thing lifted was Klarissa Castro’s bank account.

Fake Faith Healer Goes from Cleaning Dirty Eggs to Rape Charges

“Spiritual healer” Alberto Flores Ramirez took his victim on “…a classy date at a Santa Ana McDonald's…” Corporal Anthony Bertagna said, “They needed to move to a quiet place to perform the cleansing.” The pair checked into the Aloha Motel and “started the procedure on the spiritual cleansing using a raw egg.” Read the full story here:

Do you know of a para-celeb, psychic, ghost hunter, demon chaser, or false teacher who’s eligible for the award? You can take part by sending us a name and why you think they should receive the BAD BAD THING award. Contact freeallspirits@live.comfor more information.

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?" [Paperback coming in August], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:


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