Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bad Bad Thing Award Goes to 'Call of the Wildman' for Bringing Snakes to the Pool!

By Kirby Robinson

Animal Planet's
"Call of the Wildman"
for Bringing Snakes to the Pool

Earlier this month we wrote: Say it's not so A&E along with the BIO Channel caught faking paranormal shows. Now the Animal Planet hit show Call of the Wildman, caught faking stuff and that's a bad bad thing.

No, it's not a staged dead time. Some paranormal investigator isn't caught opening doors and pounding on walls. Instead, Animal Planet has joined the ranks of networks allowing fake reality shows.

Ernie Brown Jr. a/k/a "Turtleman" host of the show Call of the Wildman was caught staging a scene for the sole purpose of ratings. That's a BAD BAD THING.

June 27, 2013 - Here's the UPDATED story:

Do you know of a para-celeb, psychic, ghost hunter, demon chaser, or false teacher who’s eligible for the award? You can take part by sending us a name and why you think they should receive the BAD BAD THING award. Contact freeallspirits@live.comfor more information.

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "What the Long Island Medium is Selling I'm Not Buying … and Neither Should You" [July 2013], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Demon Voices or Mental Illness?

Demon Voices or Mental Illness. This is an article written by Stephanie McCrummen, published by the Washington Post, and reprinted in a magazine “The Last Word”. As you read this article keep asking yourself is this Demon Voices or Mental Illness that the family is dealing with.

This is just a sample of what we have to decide when contacted about if this is Demon Voices or Mental Illness. We always fast and pray for God’s wisdom and discernment as we approach each client that comes to us. Take notes as you read along, as at the end we want to hear your viewpoints, and perhaps even tell us what you would do if you were on our staff. Demon Voices or Mental Illness

The mother drives her son everywhere because he is not well enough to drive. He sits next to her, and at the red lights she looks over and studies him: how quiet he is, how stiffly he sits, hands in his lap, fingers fidgeting slightly, a tic that occasionally blooms into a full fluttering motion he makes with his hand, as if clearing invisible webs from his face. He is 19 years old, 6 feet tall, 250 pounds. His eyes are more steady than bright at this particular moment; his mouth is not set in a smile or a frown but some line in between.

It has been 10 years since Spencer Haskell began thinking his classmates were whispering about him, four years since he started feeling angry all the time, and two years since he first told a doctor he was hearing imaginary voices. It has been 20 months since he was told he had a form of schizophrenia, and 15 months since he swallowed three bottles of Benadryl and laid down to die, after which he had gotten better, and worse, and, for a while, better again, or so Naomi Haskell had thought until an hour ago, when they were in the therapist’s office and Spencer said that his head was feeling “cloudy.”

Cloudy was the big, flying red flag that she had learned to dread. It might simply be a side effect of one of his five medications. But it could also be the quiet beginning of her firstborn son falling apart again, of hallucinations, or a dive into depression, or some other dimension of his illness that Naomi has yet to fathom.

This is what it is like to be the mother of a son with a severe mental illness — an hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute vigil. At a time of increasing public concern about the role mental illness might have played in mass shootings in places like Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., Naomi’s worry on a Tuesday in Texas is different. It’s about keeping her son well.

So what Naomi is thinking about now is helping Spencer make it until Friday, when he has another therapy appointment, and when the effect of a new medication he has just started taking might become clear.

They drive to the apartment where he moved in January, when Naomi had thought Spencer was stable enough to leave the home where he had been living with her, his stepfather, and his younger brother. He had made it through the busy Christmas season working as a cashier, handling his symptoms with promising self-assurance, telling a customer who wondered who he was talking to not to worry, he just had a thought disorder.

Naomi knew that he wanted to get back to everything he had been doing his senior year in high school, when he was first told he had early-stage schizophrenia, a diagnosis later refined to schizoaffective disorder, bipolar subtype with obsessive-compulsive elements. He wanted to study math, go to college, go out with girls. He wanted independence, and Naomi thought the apartment would be a step toward that.

Then the first week he was there he got the cloudy feeling. He said that his brain felt like it was “under a hair dryer.” He told Naomi he felt “unsafe.” He checked himself into a psychiatric hospital.

When he was released 11 days later, he insisted on returning to the apartment rather than home, because he wanted to keep moving forward. Naomi’s 70-year-old mother moved in with him, setting up a single bed in the living room.

Naomi parks the car. She watches her son trudge up the three flights of open-air stairs, a slow, lumbering figure in jeans and a sweatshirt.

The signs she looks for: how he walks, whether he is quick or slow or heavy or aimless. How he talks — crisp or sluggish, or perhaps angrily to no one, as he had done in December, when he yelled “Stop following me!” down an empty hallway. Spencer had become deeply religious during the advent of his illness, and Naomi checks his Facebook page to see how many posts are there about Revelations, or Deuteronomy, or other biblical arcana. More than two or three is a warning sign, not because it is religious but because it is obsessive.

At lunch, she glances at the news blaring on the TV. A young man has just stabbed 14 people at a community college campus.

She is sure that in the coming days, it will come out that the young man had an untreated mental illness, and that the parents had tried to help or didn’t know. With Newtown, Aurora, Tucson, and so many other violent episodes, she had felt the same, horrible way. She felt devastated for the victims’ families. And she felt devastated for the parents who, she imagined, had struggled in their own way just like her to save their sons.

But she doesn’t see that kind of violence in Spencer, not at all. She has read statistics that show her son is more likely to be a victim of violence than a perpetrator of it. She has also read about the elevated risk of violence among people with schizophrenia, and knows the statistics that show their risk is higher if severe symptoms such as paranoia or hallucinations are not controlled, or if they have a history of violence or drug abuse. But that isn’t her son.

As she says one day when he is not there: “I don’t see that in him. And I hope I’m not fooling myself. What I see is a kind, loving, empathetic boy struggling to regain his footing in this world. That’s who my son is.”

Wednesday morning, he lumbers down. He piles into Naomi’s car in sweatpants and a T-shirt, and they drive toward the psychiatric hospital near Houston for his electroconvulsive therapy appointment, a treatment for severe depression.

First comes the anesthesia through the IV, which he can feel moving through his hand and up his arm and then dissolving through his system. He had tried to resist sleeping before, but the feeling was so uncomfortable that he has learned to just give in. Next comes the gel, which is swabbed on his head, and then the electrodes pressed into the gel, and the electrical current, which triggers a controlled seizure, which requires placing a guard in Spencer’s mouth to keep him from biting his tongue. The seizure, it is hoped, will trigger a change in his brain chemistry that might bring some relief.

On Thursday morning Spencer doesn’t see his mother. Instead, while she is away, he talks about his life.

He says it’s been almost three years since a miracle happened. He says he was a junior in high school and developed a crush on a girl who was a Christian, which led him to become a devout Christian himself, which allowed him to begin to see his intense, manic anger and paranoid thoughts as “delusional beliefs,” which opened the door to understanding he had an illness.

He says it has been two years since he first heard voices — what he describes as “whispers” that would come mostly at night, along with brief flashes of images he describes as demons. If his mother was afraid of him, he says, it was because he had become terrified of himself. He says he tried to manage by working out, by doing martial arts, not because he enjoyed beating people up but because it felt good, somehow, to get beaten up, and when nothing worked he asked his mother to take him to the doctor, where he heard words like “psychotic,” which terrified him even more.

He says he was angry at his mother, at his teachers, at everyone for not figuring out what was wrong with him sooner.

He says he moved briefly to Austin to attend college and study math, because he had somehow managed, even as he was becoming sicker, to get the highest score on the most difficult Advanced Placement calculus exam. But then he says he started “freaking out” that the world was going to end, which led him to think he should learn carpentry to help Jesus rebuild after the apocalypse, which he now understands was one of his first psychotic episodes.

He says he understands why, when his mother found out, she went to a court and convinced a judge that her son was a danger to himself or others, then tricked him into getting on a bus back to Houston, where he was handcuffed and taken to the psychiatric hospital, where he began to accept that he would have to manage delusions and paranoia and mania and depression for the rest of his life.

He says his medication was changed and he got better, and then he got much worse, and all the bad feelings came rushing back.

“I looked at the past and the future and I decided there was no way out of it,” he says, and that was why he walked out of the facility one December day into the freezing cold and kept walking 15 miles to a Target, where he bought the Benadryl, and then went to a Wendy’s, ate several burgers and chicken sandwiches and washed down three bottles of the pills with a Diet Coke, and then went to a mall and walked in circles until he got sleepy, then looked for a place he could die, and went into a dressing room at Sears.

He says he was found vomiting and seizing, and that four days later he woke up in an intensive care unit. He says people told him it was the best Christmas present ever, but he was not so sure. He says he came home, which is when Naomi told him about what she did in the days before:

She had made sure the gun at home was locked in its safe. She had put away the kitchen knives and then found herself wondering whether she should also remove the forks, and maybe the cleaners, until she started to see everything as a hazard — the trees in the yard, the car, the traffic on the road. She told her son that she loved him, and that she wanted to help improve his odds of surviving his illness, but that she knew that she could not ensure it, that it was ultimately up to him.

He says he understands that, which is why he is willing to bear the electrical currents, the pills, the constant shuffling to doctors and the constant scrutiny, and why he wants also to pull away from all that, to get in shape, to be better, to get back to studying math, to college, to driving, to everything he was doing when he first got sick.

He says he wants to reach the point that he knows is possible for people like him, where he can manage his illness instead of the other way around.

“I’m really not afraid of breaking down anymore,” he says. “I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and control. I’m not afraid I will relapse into chaos.”

©2013 by The Washington Post. Reprinted with permission.

Sometimes people need help from God, doctor’s and support from the church

Now you decide, is this a case of Demon Voices or Mental Illness? Write us with your knowledge and experience, and put yourself on our staff and explain how you would handle the circumstances above.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sufficiency of the Bible

By Reverend Mark Hunnemann

We have come to the end of our series on the attributes of the Word of God. If we are living in the last times then this is especially indispensable information to grasp.The last is also, in a sense, the most important--the sufficiency of Scripture. Or, Sola Scriptura as the reformers called it. We may define it thus: Scripture contains all the divine words needed for any and all aspects of human life.Here is the Westminster Confession formulation. (this is a wonderful teaching tool, but it is not infallible)

The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit, or traditions of men. Nevertheless, we acknowledge the inward illumination of the Spirit of God to be necessary for the saving understanding of such things as are revealed in the Word: and that there are some circumstances concerning the worship of God, and government of the church, common to human actions and societies, which are to be ordered by the light of nature, and Christian prudence, according to the general rules of the Word, which are always to be observed." (WCF 1.6)  I will look at a few of these concepts.

Christians sometimes say the bible is sufficient for theology and spiritual matters but not for auto repair, scuba diving, zoology, or dentistry. Certainly the bible has more specific information relevant to theology than to auto mechanics, but that is not what we mean by sufficiency. In this context sufficiency is not sufficiency of specific information but sufficiency of divine words. Scripture has divine words for every aspect of human life. It contains all the divine words that the plumber needs--or scientist and modern ethicist-- and all the divine words that the theologian or preacher needs. So it is just as sufficient for plumbing as it is for theology! And we shall spend extra time showing how sufficient the bible is regarding paranormal issues.

Notice that the WCF states that the sufficient content of  the bible includes not only its explicit teaching, but what also may be properly logically deduced from it. Logic is a hermeneutical (interpretation) tool...a tool for bringing out meaning that is already there in the text.

Of course the sufficiency of Scripture means that nothing is to be added or subtracted to the bible--we do not need any more divine words than those in the bible. This does not forbid seeking information from other sources--our job requires it...and life in general.The last section of the WCF mentions the use of natural revelation--even regarding some issues in the church dealing with worship and government (Roberts' Rules...uugh!!)  Jesus had harsh words for the religious folks who elevated their traditions to the status of divine words.(Mark 7:8) The theological heritage I hold dear (Presbyterian/Reformed) has some traditions regarding worship which I know to be unbiblical...that is why we must be ever reforming!

2 Tim. 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." "(see Rom.15:4   "Every" refers to sufficiency.

Scripture is clear enough to make us responsible for carrying out our present responsibilities to God. Like clarity, sufficiency is an ethical doctrine. It takes away excuses for disobedience. When we violate God's commandments, we cannot claim that they were unclear, or that they were insufficient. (John Frame--The Doctrine of the Word of 226)

Here is a crucial text for applying across the situational board...1 Cor. 10:31  "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  And Col. 3:23 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."

The other day I was outside cutting the lawn, and I asked myself how the sufficiency of Scripture applied to that activity?I smiled as I remembered 1 Cor. is interesting how practical the results can be when you earnestly attempt to cut the grass to God's glory!  You see, this verse is sufficient regarding the divine words that I needed. Of course, additional information is needed for whatever the vocation, but the divine words in the bible are sufficient! If you are a plumber (fill in the blank) and read the bible everyday, then the fresh illumination of the Holy Spirit will astound you with how relevant the bible is on a daily basis.

There are principles in Scripture which apply to EVERYTHING...including thorny modern ethical issues . There is sufficient divine words to render inexcusable the reprehensible wickedness of abortion. That is THE most significant social/moral issue in our country. God is merciful and forgiving to any of you affected..okay? If He has forgiven you, then that should be sufficient--forgive yourself and move on.

The cultural mandate in Gen. 1:28 implies the acquisition of information gleaned from general revelation for your job...including our studies at school and work. But God's divine words in the bible are sufficient for you.Let me gently urge you to apply throughout your day today just 1 Cor.10:31 and see what happens!

This is a large subject but I need to apply this to our paranormal context.Though Scripture is sufficient regarding every area of human life, it has MORE divine words if the issue is critical. For example, the bible is filled with texts regarding how to be saved..

The paranormal--from what we have learned, the bible contains what God considers sufficient information.

When I began research for my book back in 2009, I thought that I might write a short pamphlet on "what the bible says about who ghosts really are". Man, was I mistaken! What struck me early on was how massive and wide-ranging the ramifications were for believing that humans could get trapped here after death. It has a deleterious effect on EVERY major doctrine in the bible...not to mention the catastrophically futile attempt to fit the notion of ghosts within a biblical worldview.

Take Deuteronomy 18:9-22...that one text SHOULD be sufficient for Christians who are  curious, confused, or attempting communication with alleged dead people. In that text we are presented with a clear choice--glorifying God by listening/obeying God's clear and sufficient revelation as revealed by His prophets--or glorifying self (and grieving the Holy Spirit as well as coming under divine discipline...and demonic assault on you and your loved ones) by seeking supernatural information from God's hated enemies--demons. God or demons--which do you want to communicate with?

It will revolutionize how investigations are done, but Christians must not solicit EVP's...NEVER!

As we end this series, I remind you that Scripture which is not applied is contrary to what the whole purpose of Scripture is--APPLICATION!  Bowing before the sufficiency of Holy Scripture is bowing before the Lordship of Christ. Let us resolve to live Sola Scriptura!

Belief in the Supernatural

By Lisa Grace

Who believes in the Supernatural?

According to some studies (you can Google to pull up the latest ones) 77% of people believe in angels. You can safely assume then that they believe in the supernatural world.

Religious people believe in the supernatural, knowing that this world and universe are just one of His creations.

Those that have had encounters with the demonic or a visit from one of God's angels believe, too.

What I don't get, is if 77% percent of people know there are angels and a supernatural world, why aren't they more serious about developing a relationship with God?

Instead, many will try and summon the creations of this paranormal world, even though there are warnings not to in the Holy Scriptures. These warnings are meant to stop you from going down a path that leads to deception and ultimately to death, both physical and spiritual. You will learn nothing from that isn't fake and meant to deceive. Look in the Holy Scriptures for the truth. This is why these creatures leave when God is called into the picture by true believers and those that are saved. They must obey the saved in the name of Jesus. It's His authority that rules over them. So when you see these creatures do flee at His name, why wouldn't you go the source (Bible) rather than to those that fear the source (the demons)???

It makes no sense! Read your Scriptures, accept you are a sinner, turn away (repent of your sin) ask Jesus (Yeshua) into your heart, to be your personal Savior. His blood sacrifice covers your sin. Go to the source, not the fleeing demons who tremble at the sound of His name.

God wants us to experience Him, through Him, Jesus. (John 3:16) Not through the ones who fell and now seek your destruction, too.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Issue 122 – Paula Deen Meltdown & "A Haunted House"

By Kirby Robinson

Tonight, the radio show is about Communion with the Devil. The program starts at 7 PST.  Here's the info:

The Paula Deen Meltdown -- Sometimes You Should Settle Out of Court

Paula Deen may not be a name within the paranormal unless she's cooking ghost cake and disappearing pie. But her case is one that should teach us that we as a society happen to be messed up.

It goes back to the Oprah years--if you're on TV you should be looked up to and almost worshipped. If you have some sort of talent and are seen on TV, you're automatically an expert   and people need to hang onto your words.

Paula Deen was a person who could cook, had a friendly on-air personality and the "it" factor in front of the camera. She also had one heck of a marketing team behind her.

She became obsessed with the almighty dollar. Enough was never enough. When it came time to inform the public about her diabetes, did she just come out and share it at a press conference? No, she waited for three years to tell the world. When she did, it was on the Today Show and it was linked to a business deal that would allow her to profit off her illness. The most troubling line from the program is when she said, "We spent the past 3 years trying to figure how to best handle it." How does it take three long years? And during that time her recipes remained high in fat, butter and sugar.

I found it humorous when her team claimed that her food wasn't meant to be eaten everyday but as a treat now and then. If you read any of her more than one dozen cookbooks, you won't find such a statement.

Whether the events in the discrimination suite took place or not no one knows unless they happened to be there. When the use of the N word came up in her deposition, her lawyer should have advised her to settle it privately and seal the deposition. It's better to lose one million dollars of a 20 million empire, then it is to lose a 20 million empire---along with her reputation.

The story would've died there and she would've recouped the lost money within a year or two.

Additionally, the I AM SORRY debacle would've been avoided and the most damning video wouldn't be seen:

Notice when she talks about her great-grandfather, a plantation and slave owner, she says that he was sad over the loss of his son and the war. Translation: he was sad that he could no longer own slaves and profit off them. Yes, sad about the loss of his son is understandable. And sad that in one year he went from 30 workers [slaves] down to zero. Unable to cope with running the plantation, because he was either too cheap or too broke to pay the slaves who were required by law to be paid, great-grandfather killed himself.

Notice she says that we're all prejudiced against something. We all, according to her, dislike something like say, broccoli, is one thing. Disliking a person due to gender, race, or religion is something altogether different.

She should read up on the Jim Crow laws to grasp the amount of suffering that African- Americans went through up until the 1960s.

She states, "That black people feel the same prejudice that white people feel."

Her bringing out Hollis, the young black man, reminds me of the story of the German businessman who visited the town hall in his hometown in the early 1940s. He said, "I need my Jew back he is unlike any of the other Jews."

But this isn't the end of Paula, far from it. The Food Network is known for being cheap when it comes to on air talent. In a few weeks she'll sign a new contract with a new network and in our minds, which jumps from scandal to scandal, it'll soon be forgotten.


"A HAUNTED HOUSE producers need to offer the paranormal field an apology. Please know that not everyone is like that.

I try to avoid movies about the paranormal these days. Movies like Paranormal Activity 1 through whatever or The Last Exorcist 2 are often based on fake paranormal reality shows like Ghost Hunters or the former Paranormal State. I wasn't really interested to hear that I was going to watch A Haunted House at a friend's [unhaunted] home along with dinner. After sitting through this very uneven movie, I noticed the characters portraying paranormal professionals act in a way you'd never see from real professionals in the field.

1 Paranormal team leader [Dan the Security Man]

It saddens me and it should sadden you, that this movie implies this about all the talented paranormal investigators out there

- Paranormal teams run around in matching jackets, t-shirts and golf shirts and even have logos on the side of  the vans and SUVs

- They aren't trained to handle any situation

- That they care about having a TV show

- If they get a TV show, they'd never have such a cheesy title like GHOST GUYS

2 The exorcist [Father Williams]

All of our talented and caring people who are hard working demonologists are portrayed as:

- Being fake

- Having a prison record

- Wearing the collar of a priest, father or reverend and not being ordained [and not being ordained].

- Having a drinking/drug issue

- Talking about sex in front of a client

- Performing something other than a proper exorcism

3 Finally, they did no justice to the truly gifted and dedicated psychics that we have in the paranormal field. In "A Haunted House" they actually have a character call Chip the Psychic. This individual presents none of the good qualities our true psychics do.

Our psychics are not:

- Fake

- Actively pursuing their client[s]

- Asking the client[s] personal questions or questions about sexual orientation

- More interested in self-gratification

- None of our psychic workers would ever run around a client's home naked, wearing only argyle socks

We ask all true paranormal professionals to stand up and don't rent this movie, or support the filmmakers in any further adventures.

Thank you.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Dalai Lama Reveals Earthy Sense of Humour During Adelaide Visit

THE Dalai Lama has revealed his earthy sense of humour in an exchange with MC Dorinda Hafner during his sold-out session at the Adelaide Convention Centre today.

After his 40 minute address, where he urged educators to teach a code of secular ethics to develop a sense of compassion and concern for the well-being of others, the session moved to a less formal tone.

Before the question and answer session with the crowd of more than 5000, Hafner explained her concept of personal wealth - silver in her hair, gold in her teeth and a body full of natural gas.

This elicited peals of laughter from His Holiness. "I too," he said. "Especially on a plane. And then, you look around...." Peering left and right, he leaned aside and raised one buttock from his chair. It brought the house down.

Earlier in the day, His Holiness struck a more serious note at a private session with invited guests.

It was beyond his capacity to tell Australia's politicians how to achieve both compassion and wisdom.

He also said that we need to work out how to judge whether asylum seekers are genuine refugees, and to show the needy compassion.

He was asked whether he had any advice for the nation's leaders.

"I think ex-politicians should talk more to those young… politicians," he said as he sat between Greens elder Bob Brown and SA Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.

"I do not want to focus on some special message or special thing. That I think is beyond my capacity," he said.

His Holiness covered a broad range of topics from vegetarianism to overpopulation to religion to whether we should start using desalination to green the deserts, and he also spoke at length on asylum seekers.

He said it was a "complicated" situation, that compassion had to be practical and that "you have to act according to circumstance".

"Some really face persecution in their country… so you must act," he said.

"Some are not in that serious a situation but they hear Australia is a good place for making money.

"So you have to judge."

After the session His Holiness addressed a packed Adelaide Town Hall, told a range of anecdotes, chuckled endlessly, and donned an Akubra he was given by SA Independent Senator Nick Xenophon.

His Holiness also is holding a public talk this afternoon at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Yesterday, dozens of followers lined Adelaide Airport, awaiting his arrival from Melbourne just before 3pm, before hundreds crowded the Tibetan Buddhist Institute at Flinders Park to hear him speak. At the airport, His Holiness was welcomed with traditional milk and roasted barley, then he individually greeted the 60-odd followers who had waited patiently in line.

Among them were Kate Durham, Wangyal Phendytsang and their smiling baby son Tashi, whom the Dalai Lama blessed.

Ms Durham said it was a divine moment to meet the Dalai Lama and for her son to be blessed.

"They (children) are the future so it's very important to be blessed and for Tashi to see the Dalai Lama," she said.

"His teachings are very, very divine. It's important to have people like His Holiness in our world because he can teach us to become better people."

Beau Beaumont travelled from Christies Beach to see the Dalai Lama arrive and said it was well worth it.

"My heart was racing and I welled up," he said. "The feeling of his hand touching my hand was an out-of-world experience. He is someone who I idolise and is my inspiration."

At the Tibetan Buddhist Institute, hundreds heard him give a speech that was punctuated by his familiar laugh.

Institute member Grant Cameron said it was a special moment.

"I saw the Dalai Lama when he came in 1992 and that was one of the reasons I became a Buddhist," he said. "To have His Holiness turn up at the centre ... it's just a remarkable day."

The Dalai Lama used his speech to champion the need for broader education.

"He was saying the centre shouldn't just be about teaching Buddhism and practising it, it should be a centre for education of the community as a whole," Mr Cameron said.

"He talks about tolerance, he talks about kindness, he talks about compassion ... In a world that seems to be getting angrier and more violent, that message to me seems more relevant than it ever has."

The Dalai Lama's talk today, on prosperity, health and friendship, will break a crowd record for the Adelaide Convention Centre.

He has already spoken in Sydney and Melbourne.

The Dalai Lama is visiting Adelaide for the first time in 21 years.

Follower Kate Durham was among the crowd who turned out to see the Dalai Lama.

"It's a very divine moment," she said. "It means a lot."

The Dalai Lama is in Adelaide for a sold-out public talk at the Convention Centre tomorrow afternoon.


Communion With the Devil – Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This is the topic for the Wednesday, June 26 Eye on the Paranormal Radio Show
Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. John 6:53-56, [NIV]
Holy Communion is part of the process of drawing nearer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It helps us understand that when He died on the cross, He suffered physically for us, and He shed His blood for every sinner -- no matter how large or small.
Unfortunately, there is a new movement in the Seeker Sensitive church as well as the Emergent Church that has twisted this holy act and turned it into a communion with the devil. Kirby Robinson will expose this spiritually deadly act for what it is. Afterwards, Kirby will share a real communion with the listeners.
Additionally there will be book reviews and recommendations, some incredible BAD BAD Thing Awards, listener call-ins and more.
PST time begins at 7 PM or 10 PM EST. Here is the link to the show:
Missed last week's show? That's okay, we have the podcast right here:

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bad Bad Thing Award Goes to Pastor Suing State Over Native American License Plate

By Kirby Robinson

Rev. Keith Cressman
Suing State of Oklahoma
over Native American License Plate

If Reverend Keith Cressman wants 15 minutes of fame do something good instead of wasting taxpayers' money over a Native American picture on his license plate. That’s just a bad bad thing.

Some people get famous by singing, acting, dancing, or helping others. But it seems that Methodist Minister Keith Cressman sees red whenever he sees an Oklahoma license plate. He's circling his wagons and getting fellow Christians to go on the warpath and have a big showdown in federal court. He wants to collect the scalps of anyone who disagrees with his views … and that’s a real bad bad thing.

Her's the full story:

Do you know of a para-celeb, psychic, ghost hunter, demon chaser, or false teacher who’s eligible for the award? You can take part by sending us a name and why you think they should receive the BAD BAD THING award. Contact freeallspirits@live.comfor more information.

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "What the Long Island Medium is Selling I'm Not Buying … and Neither Should You" [July 2013],
"Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed"
and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bad Bad Thing Award Goes to Psychic Who Falsely Accuses Cop of High Profile Murder

By Kirby Robinson

Michael Wiggins
Bad Psychic

One of the worst psychics ever is Michael Wiggins [of North Webster] who falsely claims police officer David May abducted and killed Holly Bobo…and that’s a bad bad thing

Not to mention:

1 It's a lie

2 He had it in for the officer

3 He didn't see that he was going to jail

"Police think Wiggins concocted the story, because Officer May arrested Wiggins two times over the past two years."

Read the full story here:

Do you know of a para-celeb, psychic, ghost hunter, demon chaser, or false teacher who’s eligible for the award? You can take part by sending us a name and why you think they should receive the BAD BAD THING award. Contact freeallspirits@live.comfor more information.

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "What the Long Island Medium is Selling I'm Not Buying … and Neither Should You" [July 2013], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Comprehensive Authority of Scripture

By Reverend Mark Hunnemann

My passion is to see all of reality through God's eyes, but my calling is to focus on the paranormal--to analyze it through the spectacles of a biblical worldview. I want to educate and equip folks to be able to discern supernatural evil. In our series on the attributes of Scripture we have come to its comprehensiveness. In all my discussions with people who believe in trapped spirits, there is one commonality: they all explicitly or implicitly deny the comprehensive authority of Scripture. Hence, it is of paramount importance! Which may explain why, after a period of silence, there was a loud triple bang on my bedroom window as I wrote on this topic.

I define Scriptures comprehensiveness as the relevance of ALL Scripture to ALL of life. There are two aspects of it. The first part is that ALL Scripture is our standard., not just part of it. When tempted by Satan, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." ...EVERY WORD...(Matt.4:4) Paul says, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." (2 Tim. 3:16-17) This is true of ALL of Scripture. EVERY...ALL...words which clearly imply comprehensiveness. This concept is sometimes called tota scriptura (by all of Scripture). The Word of the Lord should be our chief delight...all of it (Psalm 1:2)

In addition, the text in 2 Tim. points out that all of the Bible is ethically useful. God Himself is our ultimate ethical norm, but Scripture was breathed out by God. to guide us ethically. We need to remember that what we believe about trapped spirits is a significant ethical issue. Mere belief in trapped spirits is sinful because it is contrary to God's word. That may sound harsh in our ethically relativistic age, but our minds are not autonomous--they are just as subject to God's norms as our behavior is.What we believe guides our behavior....and both are subject to the comprehensive Lordship of Christ.

The second aspect of the comprehensiveness of Scripture is that the Bible refers to all aspects of human life. "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.." (1 Cor. 10:31) "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." (Col. 3:17) This second aspect of comprehensiveness is related to the first. As John Frame says, "If only some passages or themes of Scripture were ethically useful, then Scripture would apply only to those parts of human life treated in those passages or themes. Conversely, if Scripture only addressed some aspects of human life, we would have to dismiss as irrelevant what it appears to say about other matters. But in Scripture's view of its own mission, the whole Word applies to the whole world." (The Doctrine of the Christian Life, pg 152)

This discussion boils down to God;s Lordship--and it is comprehensive! He demands that every aspect of life (read "paranormal") be under His authority. Lest this be seen merely  an issue of power and authority, it is also stated in terms of love. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (Deut. 6:4-, cf. Mark 12:30) Obedience and love are friends in the bible, not enemies or rivals.

Christians sometimes say that the Bible is silent on this or that matter:dieting, tax increases, nuclear power, cloning, auto repair, and so on. But (and this is key) though there is much the Bible does not mention explicitly, it speaks of EVERYTHING implicitly. It provides principles for ethical decision making.

Certainly the comprehensiveness of Scripture rules out attempts to limit the authority of the bible to "religious"matters--things necessary for salvation.Sadly, some of today's most influential evangelical theologians and pastors state that, when the bible speaks of matters touching on history and science, then it is not inerrant. However, our salvation was accomplished in space and time, and the drama of redemption is inextricably bound together with history. If we cannot trust the bible regarding history (or in any category deemed not necessary for salvation), then how can we trust it spiritual matters? What this does is allow theologians to think autonomously in matters other than salvation--narrowly defined (something hubris is inclined to do).

A thousand times NO!! If we are told things in Scripture (and we are) that are contradictory to the demonic theory of macro-evolution, then we must stand with the Lord against this theory.Many believe this theory because there is no alternative...except to intellectually bow the knee to the Lord. The Lord is right even if every man is wrong (Rom. 3:4)

To say that Scripture is comprehensive means that the whole Bible applies to the whole world. In my research before and after I wrote Seeing Ghosts through God's Eyes, I have seen that there are many explicit things in Scripture which apply directly to this debate and even more basic principles which apply implicitly. My challenge to you is this: how does the comprehensive authority of the bible affect your paranormal beliefs and methodology? Are you a sincere Christian but have fallen prey to the dangerously mistaken notion that the paranormal can be understood via the scientific method? What is your ultimate presupposition or authority which informs your interpretation of paranormal data? Is Scripture comprehensive in forming your ethical obligations regarding the spirit realm? How do you even know what the paranormal realm is? Scripture can answer that, but science cannot. Are there compartments in your life which have not been brought under the comprehensive Lordship of the God of the Bible, and the Bible of God?

Bad Bad Thing Award Goes to Houston Pastor Who Wants You to Spin His Propellers

By Kirby Robinson

Pastor Bishop IV Hilliard
Spin His Propellers

Houston Pastor Bishop IV Hilliard wants you to spin [or fund] his propellers and that is a bad bad thing.

In a letter to his flock, Pastor Bishop writes, "Our Aviation Department has an opportunity that will save well over 50K if we will move on it right away."

Read the whole letter here:

Do you know of a para-celeb, psychic, ghost hunter, demon chaser, or false teacher who’s eligible for the award? You can take part by sending us a name and why you think they should receive the BAD BAD THING award. Contact freeallspirits@live.comfor more information.

Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal

EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "What the Long Island Medium is Selling I'm Not Buying … and Neither Should You" [July 2013],
"Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed"
and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Issue 122 – Long Island Medium eBook/Father Gabriele Amorth is Crucified by Charisma News

By Kirby Robinson

Our new book on the Long Island Medium will be coming to an online bookstore early next month. Father Gabriele Amorth gets crucified by Charisma News [so who needs demons?]

It's been a very busy start to summer for the EYE ON THE PARANORMAL crew. Tonight, the new radio show is being launched at 7 PST.  Here's the info:

Theresa Caputo, The Long Island Medium -- Investigated
After carrying out an intensive investigation into the world of the Long Island Medium, we'll be releasing our findings in an eBook next month. What the Long Island Medium is Selling I'm Not Buying… and Neither Should Youwill be available on Amazon, B&N NOOK, Smashwords and Kobo.

Coming to online bookstores in early July

What we uncover should be a warning to the public—DON'T accept the claims of this particular psychic/medium. The truth will leave you wondering how to get your time invested into the show or [if you paid money for her events], how to get your money back. We look into her readings, her show, and her mentor. We follow her path in the On the Road Florida special, and what we find is shocking.

Father Gabriele Amorth Ambushed on Charisma News…with Nutjobs like these, the Devil Doesn't Need Demons

I have the utmost respect for Fr. Gabriele Amorth. I've had a chance to reread his book and review his teachings. I've never been disappointed by them even during the time when the existence of Lucifer is doubted-- something that's going on in the Church--he held dear to his faith.

He went public with things that were on his mind concerning the rite of exorcism. This was after the pope was alleged to have confronted a man in a wheelchair who might have had demonic issues [was he possessed, oppressed, or just had an infestation, no one but the pope knows]. Father Gabriele expresses some concerns that the church needs to train more priests to become experts in the rite of exorcism. He also wants the church to allow priests to perform an exorcism without seeking permission from church authorities.

Charisma News picked the story up and ran with it. For those who aren't familiar with Charisma News, only tea partiers and diehard anti-liberals are usually the target audience. The theological view is aligned with Falwell and Robertson. They don't say anything bad about big time preachers like Paula White and the Crouchs'.

I might have disagreements with Catholic doctrine but posting the following crosses the line.

That would be correct...
However.."followers" these people are NOT.
A follower of Christ is not a practising homosexual.
A follower of Christ does not perpetrate sex with a child.
A follower of Christ does not bow down to idols.
A follower of Christ does not put their 'faith' into anything other than Christ Crucified.
A follower of Christ calls no man his 'father', over or above his Heavenly Father.
A follower of Christ has repented of SIN.
A follower of Christ lives in Holiness before a Holy and Just GOD.
A follower of Christ acknowledges The Blood atonement of The Lamb of GOD as 'The One and Only' means by which a soul can be saved.
This 'church' and its cohorts are the greatest threat and opposition to The Gospel of Christ, equal to the Islamic its opposition of The TRUTH...found in Christ Crucified.
Jesus Christ is NOT just some obscure figure hanging on a cross.
HE is NO LONGER on The Cross.
HE came and lived among us, died for SIN, was buried and rose victorious, and now sits at the Right Hand of GOD as our mediator.
HE is our Redeemer.
HE is our Saviour.
HE is our Lord of Lords and SOON coming King of Kings.
Wake up people..prepare your hearts..your Redeemer lives, and IS returning SOON.....for a Spotless Bride....Amen.

It's sad that the poster chooses to lump every member of the Catholic Church into one pile. To use his logic, we must start questioning anyone claiming to be a Protestant due to the fact of the scandals that have swept through the Christian church. Those have included pastors cheating on their wives, pastors' wives cheating on their husbands, pastors cheating with other pastors, pastors having sex with minors, and misappropriation of church funds. Not to mention the false teachings that run rampant, as well as false teachings of well known televangelists. Why can't we just have a calm and decent conversation on doctrinal differences?

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EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "What the Long Island Medium is Selling I'm Not Buying … and Neither Should You" [July 2013],
"Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed"
and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the


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