Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Issue 96 – The Antichrist Will be a Real S.O.B.

By Kirby Robinson

It’s now time we offer the truth not only in eBook format, but as a paperback. Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State’s ‘I Am Six’ Case should be out by December 8.

Michael Frisbee’s The Paranormal Christian Radio Show – Saturday, 12/8

This might be the most eye-opening and controversial paranormal program ever!

I’ll be joining Michael for a special edition of his Saturday night radio program during which we’ll be tackle some of the most controversial issues within the paranormal field.

We’ve issued an open letter to Chip Coffey, Ryan Buell, and Lara M to appear and explain things away, which would lead to the removal of the book from the market, and a public apology. To date, we have received no reply from any of them.

So tune in and get informed, but also angered, that not only did they mock God [and continue to do so] but they mock the hard work of the honest and genuine investigators within the paranormal field. They mock the hard work of men and woman of the cloth who combat the demonic every single day without the limelight.

Antichrist vs. the Real Christ

There are far better bible scholars out there than me, so I’m not going to try to pass myself off as one. I wish to share my view of who and what the Antichrist is and how he differs from the real Son of God.

The real Christ was the only Son of God.

The Antichrist will NOT be the son of God but of a demon.

It’s important to note the well-known but very much misunderstood story concerning the Sons of God [angels] looking on earth woman having sex. This is something a normal angel can’t do. They produced offspring that was neither angel nor human. The offspring became a terror on the surface of the earth, leading men and woman to do the most hateful things in God’s eyes, so that He decided to flood it.

If Satan could tamper with the DNA of man, it could have affected the ability of Christ coming into this world as a man. When the Antichrist enters this world, it will be through the same type of mating by one of the Sons of Man: with a female of this earth. Thus, he can claim he is of man yet his sperm didn’t come from a man.

Much has been made that our current President is the Antichrist—he’s not. Also, George W. Bush was called the Antichrist, so apparently it goes with the job.

Just like Christ, he will be a polarizing figure while on earth.

All who opened their eyes and ears to His teaching loved Christ. Yet there were those who hated Him and wished to kill Him. God refused to step in as the free will that He has given man means so very much to Him.

The message that Christ preached was completely pure and just.

With the Antichrist, the story will be much darker. The Antichrist will be loved by all, [outside of those who have spiritual discernment]. People will be drawn to him and few will be able to find errors in the teachings of the Antichrist.

Some have said that he’ll come from a very wealthy family. Unlike Jesus who came from a middle class family. Some say that he’ll be a politician’s son or of royal blood. Christ was of royal blood. Some teach that he might be a leader in the military, to mock Christ who could call an army of angels to defend and fight for him. Some have even said that he will be a she.

Unlike Christ, who offered His words, and if you refused to hear them, that was up to you, with the Antichrist you damn well better listen to his message and no other. Because if you refuse it then you’ll suffer even to the point of death. What he’ll teach through both his words and the words of the False Prophet will be based on the lie. A lie that started in the Garden of Eden when Eve was told that man can be like God, and moved to the Sons of God who shared secret teachings to humans. To the Tower of Babel when man sought to be on the same level as God seeking to become Gods, and Babylon who taught there was more than one God to follow.

Christ performs real miracles: He raised the dead, healed the sick, made people whole, fed the hungry, and cast out demons.

The Antichrist will do the same but it won’t be through the power of God but by the work of demons. The only act he won’t copy is casting out demons, as the false religion he’ll present won’t have demons.

NEXT WEEK—More on the Antichrist.

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 8:59 AM


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